Battle in the Deep; Fall of Saruman

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~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* CHAPTER IX *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~ *~* ~

Haldir and Aragorn snarled, their weapons flashing in deadly arches at they try to find their missing mates after the explosion that destroyed the first wall. Somewhere to their left, Gimli is shouting curses as he hacks his way through the enemy. Haldir's younger brothers are somewhere behind them, their glaives spinning in deadly arches and swings as they cover the fleeing Men. Severus is at the epicenter of a death circle, his great wings slicing through flesh and bone as his tail whips about, the spines shooting off it hitting with an accuracy that left any professional Marksman feeling green with envy.

He roared and raged, looking for his nephew when suddenly he spotted the Elf. He hurried towards him and found him half conscious, his back bloodied from where he had landed and where weapons had sliced into him as he covered a still figure. Under him was Harry, unconscious for the moment. Sending out a blast of magic that cleared the area for a few moments, his rage seemed to bottle it self up once more as he snapped into Field Medic mode. He pulled out a couple of Healing Fogs as he liked to call them and snapped off the tops, tossing them over the pair. Legolas gasped in air, feeling his back healing, his breathing easing as his cracked ribs mended back into place. He slowly sat up as Harry stirred and slowly sat up, grumbling something about a Knight Bus, whatever that was.

"You were not run over by the Knight Bus, that would have been much kinder...." Severus deadpans and Harry turns towards him, reaching up to cup his cheek. "You frightened me..."

"Sorry... that blast was very strong... I lost control and we kinda got swarmed..." Harry tells him a bit sheepishly. "I swear, I'm not this danger prone..."

"I know, come on... You alright, Elf?"

"Better thanks to your elixir..." Legolas spun and drove his knives into a Goblin's face and belly before he spun in the other direction, gutting and Uruk-hai before he grabbed an Orc by the head and snapped its neck viciously, grabbing his blades and flicking the blood off of them and snarling at the others that decided to back off for the moment.

"Right... Hadrian, with me..." Severus says, impressed at the speed in which Legolas had dispatched the enemy. He pulled his nephew up and kept a tight hold on him as they were slowly swarmed, now that his anger was under control again.

"Hadrian!?" Aragorn rushed up to them and carefully fretted over Harry and then Severus before turning his head to see Legolas decapitate an Orc while cursing something foul in High Elvish. "Thank goodness you're unhurt..."

"That would be the Potions work..." Harry tells him as Haldir joins them, grabbing Legolas back from a Berserker that managed to survive the explosion.

"We're getting bushed back... we are running out of men and time..." Haldir curses.

"... We need to fall back and regroup..." Severus sighs and he and Harry quickly pushes away from his uncle and stumbles forward. "Hadrian- Hadrian!! What you-- Brat!! What are you doing!?"

Harry had thrown up a barrier that allows the Men and Elves to flee into the Keep. Even as he stumbled toward the enemy. Severus clawed at the barrier, the others cursing as they realized they could not cross it either. Harry hissed and Aldez grew to her full size and careful to not look at those behind her, she opened her inner eyelids and soon the enemy were all dropping dead in droves as Harry allowed himself to change forms and in his Lamia form, he darted through those left standing, his claws slicing through flesh like a hot knife through butter. As he moved, Severus flew up to the top of the wall like barrier and dove back down.

"Snake close your eyes!!" He yelled as Aldeztaile did as ordered, she instead took to snapping up the enemy that were still alive, grumbling about their befouled flesh and spitting them back out after she chewed them up. Legolas growled as he helped a few injured men into the keep, Aragorn and Haldir behind him, both equally displeased but their Omega's recklessness, but there was nothing they could do.

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