Chapter 8

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—1 week later—

It had been an entire week since Meliodas had found Elizabeth on the beach after she turned human, a mystery that Meliodas still hadn't been given the answer to.
Elizabeth wouldn't talk about it. In fact, she wouldn't talk much at all although Meliodas did everything he could to bring a smile upon her face.
And sometimes he'd succeed. She'd smile a small smile at his jokes, at a sweet comment or gesture, but the smile would never last.

She wasn't the same giddy and all around happy Elizabeth that he knew and loved so much.

"Are you ready to try again?" Meliodas walked up besides her in bed.
When he took her in he had given her full rein to the house, but she rarely ever left the guest room's bed, because as she had explained it, walking felt like walking on glass shards.
It was excruciating, and he hated to put her through it, but he believed that if she kept at it, it could get better.

She looked down and clenched her firsts around the soft fabric of the shirt he had bought her.
She believed him when he said that it would get better, but every time her foot as much as graced the floor she wanted to crawl back into the soft bed.

He put a hand on top of her shaking fist to try and comfort her, but he said nothing. If she didn't want to he wasn't gonna force her.
But Elizabeth did want to so eventually she swung her legs over the eye if the bed and let out a shaky breath before putting the first foot down on the ground.

She could already feel tears form in her eyes and she held on tightly onto Meliodas's hand as she put the other foot down and stood up fast.
She couldn't even scream as her voice died in her throat.

"Hey, you're doing good Elizabeth"

His voice was all she needed to keep pushing, so she nodded as her tears fell to the wooden floor.
He was the only one she had left, and after what her mother had said Elizabeth realized that it was true.

She was in love with Meliodas, and so she refused to be a burden to him.

She sucked in another deep breath and took a step.
Then another.
And another.

In the end Meliodas's back was pressed against the wall as she had made it to the other end of the room.
"Incredible...that was a new record! I knew you could do it"

She smiled a bit, happy with herself, and for just a moment she looked like herself again.
Meliodas wanted to kiss her then, but he tried to look anywhere but her lips. He felt as though making a move now would be taking advantage of her.


Elizabeth was back in bed thinking of what had transpired just an hour earlier.
Meliodas had seemed so happy for her, and she had even felt happy herself, but she did regret what she didn't do...

After he had praise her they stood hand in hand for multiple minutes, just staring at each other, the pain in her feet had even disappeared for just a moment, and she wish she had had the guts to kiss him. To tell him everything.
But right now he was out buying groceries so she couldn't exactly call him into the room either.

She fiddled with her fingers as she thought of what to do.
Anything to make him happy would also be enough.
And idea popped into her head as she looked down the side of the bed.
He had helped her so much, but it was about time she learned to take care of herself. The sooner she did she found repay him for everything he'd done.

So with almost no hesitation she sat her foot down, and it still hurt, but she remembered the earlier hour how her pain had suddenly disappeared, most likely because she for once wasn't focusing on it, so she tried to picture his smiling face before her as she stood up and immediately trapped onto the beds headboard to gain balance. She was so used to having meliodas keeping her steady.
She breathed heavily as the pain still was there, but it was okay, by no means did she expect it to disappear, but she tried to convince herself that it at least wasn't as bed as it used to be.

She took another step, keeping herself up against the wall.
'Remember his smiling face Elizabeth' she demanded of herself. 'How he grins so widely it looks like his face might tear in two, how his eyes shine so brightly, and how his golden hair reflects the sunlight in through the window almost illuminating his entire being'
He was her light at the end of the tunnel.

Before she knew it she stood in the other end of the room, just as she had an hour earlier, and she smiled brightly, finally a ray of sun was coming through that dark cloud that hung over her head.
She had done it now she had to do it all over again to get back to her bed, but as she kept her mental image locked in her head it was ass if the walk back to her bed was much easier than the walk across the room.

She landed back on her bed with a thud and began to laugh quietly. "I did it! I actually did it!" She cheered, but then flinched as she stood opened and revealed meliodas with a basket of produce.

"Did what? Are you okay?"

Elizabeth nodded.
She wanted to train on her own, and then one day surprise him.
"It's nothing"

Meliodas opened his mouth, about to protest as he knew something definitely was up, but he still didn't want to pressure her in any way imaginable.

"But-" she was quick to add before Meliodas had a chance to close the door.
"I do have something to tell you" she looked down.
It was time he knew how they had both ended up in this situation.

He quickly put the basket with produce down by the door and went to sit at the edge of her bed.

"I-.." Elizabeth began but in truth she had no idea what to tell him.
"I told you my mother didn't want me to see you anymore..."

"Yeah you did, but you did anyway"

"Uhuh... and she found out" the memory of when Elizabeth had thought she was gonna die by the hands of her own mother brought tears back to her eyes. " she tells me that humans and merpeople were friends once. That is until the human started hunting and killing us"

"Oh Elizabeth..." Meliodas sighed, feeling sorry, and wondered how she could still feel comfortable sitting next to him if that was the history of their people.

" so she made all knowledge of humans disappear, and when some of all people would learn of the human existence she would make them disappear... and then she said she'd make me disappear to... I thought I was going to die" the last sentence barely came out, but Meliodas heard her loud and clear and wrapped his arms around her.
I passed out and next thing I know I woke up in the ocean and able to breathe. It was only when I reached the shore and I realize that I had legs instead of a tail. I knew that I was human...but I was born a mermaid, so I couldn't figure what I was...and I surely couldn't figure out where I belonged...but I-"

"You belong with me..." meliodas interrupted her, not even kidding that that was exactly what she was admit to say.
So instead of saying anymore she nodded and pressed herself against him, still not having the guts to tell him if her feelings. But that time would come.
Hopefully sooner than later.


Word count: 1365

Short chapter yes but this is my second chapter in 24 hours so I think it's fine

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