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— 8 years later —

"And so the mermaid learned to live her life as a human happily, knowing that even if it was out of the water, it was where she belonged...the end. Now, time for bed" Elizabeth finished telling her 6 year old son Tristan a Goodnight story as both her and her husband Meliodas stood by their son's bedside.

He let out a small whine as Elizabeth started to tuck him in.
It wasn't something new, Tristan had never enjoyed bedtimes, much like his father who'd also much rather stay up.
"Please just one more story?" Tristan begged and made puppy dig eyes that usually wither on meliodas, but not on Elizabeth.

"Not tonight honey" Elizabeth giggled, but it was then that Tristan sent Meliodas a begging look and for a moment he looked conflicted but in the end Meliodas made the safest decision.

"You heard your mom, not tonight" Meliodas shrugged and wrapped and arm around his wife's shoulder.

"O-okay but can I ask something?"

"Is it to stall time?"


Elizabeth raised an eyebrow but let her son ask mid question.

He looked a little shy as he spoke. "I mean...mermaids aren't real are they? Like the ones in your story?"

Elizabeth had told him that same story for many years, and she had always known that he would one day question it.
Meliodas's smile fell but Elizabeth laughed and sat down on the age of the bed next to Tristan.
"Who knows? Nobody's never seen one so we can't definitively say no right?"

Tristan's eyes shine with astonishment as he started nodding. "Yeah? They might be! It's be so cool!"

"Yeah..it would" Meliodas smiled a small smile, and he was lucky that Tristan didn't note the sadness in that smile.

"Now, go to sleep and dream all about those mermaids" Elizabeth laughed before kissing Tristan's forehead abs standing up next to Meliodas who then also said Goodnight to their son, and then they left after blowing out the candle illuminating Tristan's room.


"Are we gonna tell him one day?" Meliodas asked his wife as they laid in bed. It was dark but Elizabeth knew that he had a worried frown on his face.

"If it's needed, but I don't think so...but what do you think?" She answered him.
Currently meliodas was the only human in the world that knew of her true origins, not even her closest friends or her son had been told.

Her reason for never telling Tristan mostly had something to do with his young age and the scary circumstances surrounding how Elizabeth was turned human, that is why she always made sure to keep that part out of his night time story.
He loved swimming. Loved water generally and she didn't wish for him to get a fear irl the water knowing he had an evil grandma lurking there.

"I'm not bothered either way really, i just don't want you to keep it back because you're afraid of what her think" Meliodas told her softly and she felt his kiss her hair. "He loves you, no matter where you come from"

"I just do t want to scare him Meliodas. And it's be so confusing for him...remember how I felt after I turned human. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what I was. I don't want him going through that" she paused as Meliodas kept on listening. "Besides...it's better if nobody knows...humans and merpeople are simply meant to stay apart..."

"Except us"

She giggled and snuggled closer to him. "Yes...except us"

Who knows, maybe Elizabeth would one day reveal her secrets to her son, or maybe he'd find out all on his own.



Word count: 655

And that is it!
I hope you enjoyed tikis fun little retelling of the little mermaid!

Thank you for your support!

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