Chapter 9

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— 2 weeks later —

Two more weeks had passed and Elizabeth walked in her own every chance she got, which would mostly be at night when she couldn't sleep or when Meliodas was out of the house.

She had improved rapidly. The pain was almost nonexistent anymore and she didn't neee to hold onto anything anymore.
Another perk of walking was that Elizabeth finally got out of the guest room, slowly walking around Meliodas's house, taking in small amusing details such as family portraits, and all the fishing gear laying in a mess by the door.

Unfortunately however her training by herself also had Meliodas worrying. Because she wanted him to be surprise d she had refused his help that he usually offered, and the first week hed been fine with it, and even now he says nothing, but he was worried, wondered if perhaps he should push her a bit even though he didn't want to, after all he knew that she could do it.
But today was the day Elizabeth had decided to make the worries disappear, and when she did, she was finally gonna tell him how she truly felt.
It was about time after all.

So when Elizabeth say on her bed, reading one of the many books Meliodas had bought her she heard the front door opening and excitement took over her body as she instantly stood up. "Ouch" she mumbled as she had stood up just a little too fast.
The pain wasn't at all as horrible as it used to be, now it was more on par with getting a splinter than walking upon shattered glass.

She went over to the door of her room and put her hand on the handle, ready to storm out and show him her skills of walking, but she quickly tumbled back as it was opened by Meliodas on the other side.

He said nothing as he looked at her with wide eyes, seeing her standing perfectly well with not a single sign of pain had him in shock.

Elizabeth sped over to him and embraced him. He nearly fell backwards but was able to stash's himself by holding onto the door frame, keeping his other hand on Elizabeth's back.
"You...Elizabeth you walked! All on your own" he laughed, taken over by utter and complete happiness. He didn't quite understand how it was possible but he was happy either way.

Elizabeth leaned back to look at him as tears of happiness gathered in the corner of her eyes.
She'd trained so hard and gone through the pain on her own so that she could finally see that smile on his face, and she knew that it was completely worth it.
She hummed and nodded her head, "I've been training a little in my own you see!" She told his happily, but although still showing his happiness meliodas was now also a little confused.

"You know I've been willing to help right? You didn't have to go through that alone" he told her, keeping a smile on his face.
He couldn't even imagine how much it must've hurt, and how many times she'd fallen down.
He looked down her body trying to spot any visible bruises but she put a finger under his chin, keeping his gaze on her.

"I know but..." she blushed and then averted her gaze and went to pull away from him completely, but his grip on her tightened. Keeping her where she was.


"...but I...I wanted to surprise you" she smiled shyly as meliodas smiled lovingly at her.

"Well I am surprised" he chuckled, but then the room turned silent as they stared at each other.
Soon Meliodas started to lean forward, up towards her, and Elizabeth started to lean I too, but just when she felt his warm breath on her lips he stopped, as if he was contemplating if he was doing the right thing, but Elizabeth had no intentions of letting it stop, so she grabbed onto his collar and finally their lips connected.

They both tended for just a moment before melting into the kiss. Very quickly Meliodas was dominating but before it turned too passionate they separated for air.
"More I am...more surprised" Meliodas chuckled as he pecker her lips again.

Elizabeth's face was red, shocked by her own behavior. It was so unlike her to take charge in that kind of way, especially in this kind of situation, but nevertheless she was happy that she did it. As was meliodas.

"I love you" Meliodas told her and Elizabeth let out a small gasp as tears of happiness filed her eyes.
"I have for so long now...part of me believes I fell in love with you the moment I saw were so perfect, in every way imaginable"

Elizabeth found do nothing but stare at him in wonder, failing to say what she so desperately wanted to, but from the look upon his face it didn't look like he expected her too either, but that only made her all the more determined.
"M-Meliodas I-...I-..." she swallowed. "I love you too!" She said it louder than she'd planned to so she was quick to put a hand over her mouth as her blush expanded.

Meliodas kept on smiling, although his eyes had widened significantly.


"What do you say I get promoted from fake boyfriend to actual boyfriend?"

Elizabeth smiled brightly and embraced him once again. He could feel her nod against him, so he let out a relieved sigh.

This was everything he wanted.


Elizabeth found herself waking up early morning just as the sun began to rise.
She knew that meliodas wouldn't wake up in another few hours so carefully she stepped out of her bed and went out the door. She sent a lady look at the door to Meliodas's room before she went out the front door.
She walked by memory, remembering the route from the weeks prior when meliodas had carried her to his home.

She hoped she remembered it right, and it wound seem that she did, because soon she found herself in the beach where she had spend so many wonderful moments with Meliodas.
She stood in her own thoughts, having wrapped her arms around herself, so when a wave crashed upon the beach just grazing her toes she flinched, but then let out a small laugh as she stepped forward and lifted up her skirt so she found stabs ankles deep in the water.

She let out a deep sigh, feeling content as the water caressed her sensitive skin.

She couldn't help but think of her mother, wondering what she had told the people. Wondering what she had told her friends. She was saddened thinking of that, knowing that those days were over.
She would never see Mael or Jelamet again, and they might be left with a feeling that she was gone because of them.

But even as she was sad, she still smiled.
She had the memories, and she had hope. Hope of a wonderful future with Meliodas, so it was fine.

After all it would seem that the ocean was never where Elizabeth belonged.



Word count: 1240

The next chapter will be the epilogue! So to all of you reading this even though it lacks word count, thank you for your support!!

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