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It had been another rainy day in Amegakure. One would think the tall metal buildings and futuristic infrastructure would block out some of the heavy downpour but it hardly did. The streets still flooded with both rain and crime.

Ame was notorious for being the hub of criminal activity and housed a majority population of younger citizens, majorly due to Ame's Biotechnical University.

Amegakure- #1 in Crime and Technological innovation.

That's what peaked Itachi's interest even more. Not only was he growing tired of the sweltering sunny days in Konoha but also of his parents constant not so passive comments about his "very promising" future.

Ame Univsersity was perfect as he enjoyed not only the darkness of the city but the freedom that came with it. He was pretty much a loner and okay with that fact, he didn't need anyone else and knew the only person he cared about, Sasuke, was safe in Konoha.

"Watch it!" Itachi jumps back on to the sidewalk as a biker speeds past him, splashing water on his pants. He groans and looks down, seeing his now soaked dark blue jeans. "Great" he mumbles as he turns back to head to his apartment.

"Itachi! You'll be late for class. Why are you back?" His old lady neighbor yells as she walks out of the complex. "Someone splashed me with water, I need to change." He takes the elevator and changes quickly, glancing at the clock. "Damn it" he mumbles as he races back down the stairs. "Bye!" He calls out as he jogs onto the sidewalk.

He barely catches the last bus taking him to Ame Uni as he shivers in his seat. He reties his long hair in a pony tail behind his back, semi long bangs framing his angled face. Itachi really was gorgeous, not that he knew it, he's never really dated anyone before.

He looks over as he feels eyes burning into him to find a menacing looking man staring at him. Tattoos running up his neck, bulging muscles ripping out of his shirt, a nasty look on his face.

Itachi turns his head forward, avoiding these types has kept him safe in Ame all these years, better keep it up. "You seem cold? Need some warmth?" The man chuckles to Itachi. He ignores him, placing his headphones in his ears to show this. He doesn't play anything, he needs to keep aware. "Oh I see. Not your type...okay" he smiles evily. Itachi sighs as they pull up to the university and he sprints from the bus to his class.

He shakes off the water from the leather jacket that's over his grey sweatshirt and enters. "Itachi. You're late. You'll have to start the experiment when everyone is finished" the professor says sternly. Itachi nods and waits outside the classroom, relieved he can even take the test still.

He looks outside the window and is unsure if he's seeing what he sees. That looks like the man from the bus... His head snaps up as he hears his name "Itachi. Ready for you" the professor says.

Itachi enters the lab and prepares for his test. 2 hours go by as he flawlessly recreates the organic compounds needed to pass his class. "Well done Itachi. Your compound I have to say is the most stable," the professor says smiling. "Thank you sir" Itachi says bowing slightly. "You have a very promising future in the field of science," he says signing his papers. Itachi nods, having heard all this before. "Okay, please dispose of your compound in the red bin as it is a controlled substance and clean up your area. I'm gonna head out, just lock the door when you're done" he says to Itachi. "Will do sir" Itachi nods.

The professor leaves as Itachi puts on his gas mask and carefully pours the compound in the thick plastic container. He has to be careful as this compound was created to sedate individuals quietly while remaining undetected. That's one of Ame Universities hidden secrets. Using its finest students to concoct powerful drugs to push into the streets and fuel its economy but Itachi doesn't know this. He thinks his work is benefiting Ame, striving to find safer and better pharmaceuticals for the sick people of Ame.

"Done" he says, wiping his forhead. He puts the last beaker away and turns off the light as he heads out of the chemistry wing of the university. He glances down at his watch, his eyes bulging out of his head.

Midnight already, I can't miss the last bus, he thinks. He jogs down the steps as he hurries to the bus stop to head back home. A light drizzle covers him as he jogs through the empty, dimly lit campus. He sees the bus stop ahead and sees the bus coming to a stop.

He slows his jog down but is suddenly grabbed roughly and slammed into a wall. His head feels dull as it connects with the wall, his eyes feeling shaken. "Well lookie here. Not shivering anymore," a gruff voice booms against his ear. It takes him a minute to reorient himself, his head still spinning. He shakes his head and opens his eyes to see the man from the bus, his tattoos, his muscles towering over him. "Wh-what do you want from me?" Itachi groans, rubbing his temple. The man laughs evily, slapping Itachis books out of his hand. "For a college kid your pretty stupid" he says stepping closer to him "but damn are you pretty."

He strokes Itachi's cheek lightly, making him turn away from him quickly, disgusted. The man grows even angrier and slaps him hard, making Itachi see stars and fall to his knees. "Don't do this," Itachi says quietly, staring into the ground holding his cheek. The man picks him up and turns him around, pushing him into the wall, making Itachi cry out. "It will be quick but it will not be nice" he laughs.

Itachi is about to scream when he hears a sickening crunch and then the man scream. "What the fuck are you doing?! Get off!" Itachi closes his eyes and bends down hugging his knees to his chest, trying to block out the screaming and thudding. He jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey...." He hears a gentle voice break through the silence. He opens his clenched eyes to see a large figure beside him. He closes his eyes again and buries his head, "Please don't hurt me!" He yells. "Hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you," the voice says. The large hand on his shoulder feels warm and comforting, unlike the previous one. He lifts his head and looks to the person joining him on this dark wet night.

"Here, stand up" the voice says. Itachi slowly raises up, seeing his acquaintance for the first time. He gasps softly. Standing before him is a very tall, very muscular, bluish man with shark like features. Gill like structures under his eyes and on his neck, with beautiful grey eyes, dark blue spikey hair and a row of spikey, sparkling white teeth. "Here," the stranger says with a small smile, handing him his books. Itachi takes them silently, looking at him curiously.

Sure there are many weird looking people in Ame due to Ame's various human research projects, but Itachi has never seen one so striking and.. .. handsome? Itachi struggles with his attraction to this man before him but can't think about that now, he was almost raped and needs to catch the bus.

Itachi shivers thinking about the man, he looks frantically around him, feeling his presence. "Don't worry. He's not here anymore" the blue man tells him, feeling sorry for the shaken lean male in front of him. His eyes dart around him, half believing him. "Believe me, he won't hurt you ever again" the man says stepping closer to him. Something in the way he said it or his voice made Itachis heart ache and made him believe him.

Itachi nods slowly, hugging his books to his chest. He feels a warm trickle down the side of his head and looks up, it's not raining. He dabs the liquid and looks at his hand, blood. "Are you okay? He must've hit you pretty hard for you to bleed like that," the stranger says stepping closer to him.

Itachi winces as he probes his own wound again. "Here, let me" the stranger says ripping off a piece of his shirt. Itachi feels the heat in his cheeks as he sees the strangers abs on display from his ripped shirt. He leans in, softly raising Itachi's chin and dabbing the wound with his t-shirt.

Itachi shivers, not from the cold but from the trauma to his nerves and emotions. So many thoughts and feelings in a short amount of time, his brain and nervous system is fried. "You haven't spoken a word....will you be alright?" The stranger asks, taking Itachi's hand lightly and pressing it to the piece of shirt that's pressed to his head. Itachi nods as the stranger steps back, releasing his small pale hand and his light grip on Itachi's chin.

An aching fill Itachis heart as he pulls away. Why though, why do I want him to keep touching me. "Okay, well get home safely," the stranger says giving him another gorgeous toothy smile. Itachi eyes him curiously and nods as the man steps back. Itachi gasps seeing his left hand, his knuckles red and bloodied, did he do that... for me?

Ray of Light (Ita/Kisa) 🍋Where stories live. Discover now