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It's been weeks since Itachi has stuck to his new routine of classes and his new found job. His last semester is going by swimmingly as he has plenty of extra time in the lab. His eyes sadden thinking he's barely seen Kisame lately, just for dinner a couple of times but he hasn't spent the night since.

I hope he's not tired of me.... he thinks as he solemnly walks to his apartment. He unlocks the door and flicks on the light as his eyes widen in surprise. A beautifully wrapped box is on the counter beside some orchids. He puts his stuff down as he grabs the card. "Last semester. I am so proud of you. Enjoy xx Kisa." His cheeks flush as he opens the box to find it full with different flavored dangos, all smothered in various syrups. His eyes light up as he pulls one out and eats it quickly.

He knows me so well. He smiles as he wipes his mouth and pulls out his phone, dialing Kisame quickly.

"Hey Einstein," he hears.
"Kisame, thank you. I'm so touched" Itachi smiles as he plays with the petal of an orchid.
Kisame chuckles, his laughs making Itachi feel warm in all the right places. "It was nothing. I know we haven't seen each other a lot lately and I didn't need you worrying if I was still interested." Itachi shakes his head at how well Kisame knows him.
"Never even crossed my mind," Itachi lies with a smile.
"Right. Anyways, I'm off tonight. Any chance we could hang out?" Kisame asks.
"I actually have an alumni mixer tonight. Would you like to accompany me?" Itachi asks.
Kisames voice grows nervous. "Is that with bunch of snooty professors and college people?"

Itachi laughs. "It's just some drinks with some friends from school. Yes, professors will be there but it's all very informal."
"Do I have to wear a suit?" Kisame asks.
Itachi flushes at the though of Kisame in a tight tux. "Yes actually, nothing too formal. Just a nice suit jacket and slacks."
Kisame chuckles "Okay. What time? I'll drive us."
Itachi beams that he agreed, "8."
"I'll be there babe, believe it" Kisame says shutting his phone closed.
Itachi squeals as he runs to his closet to get his suit out.

Kisame groans in the mirror as he tries to tie his tie. "Oh fuck me," he breathes as he ties it into a knot. He looks at himself in the mirror, a tight black suit forming to his body, with a white button up undershirt and skinny black tie. He raises an eyebrow, maybe I should've been a business man, I look damn good he smiles.

He struggles to get the tie off. "Except for this damn tie!" He yells ripping it off. He storms into the living room, surprised to find Kakazu and Pein on the couch.

"Someone looks like a fucking nerd" Hidan smirks. "Shut up," Kisame groans. "I cant get this to work. Anyone know how to tie a tie?" He asks hopelessly. Hidan and Pein look lost. Kakazu sighs as he stands up and walks over to Kisame, taking the tie from him.

"You young kids know absolutely nothing" he seethes as he ties the tie quickly for Kisame. Kisame smiles as he straightens his tie and fixes his watch. "Thanks Kakazu" he chuckles. Kakazu groans in response as he sits back down. "Enjoy your date!" Hidan calls out as Kisame sprays himself with cologne and grabs his keys. "Bye losers!" He calls out as he closes the front door.

Itachi waits nervously on the curb, dressed in a tight grey suit, a black shirt and black tie underneath. His long hair is pulled into a soft pony tail as he waits for Kisame.

He hears the the roar of his mustang as he pulls up to his apartment. Itachi slides into the seat as Kisame adjusts himself, feeling slightly claustrophobic from the tie and pending night. Itachi looks over and loses his breath. "Wow..." He breathes. He eyes the tight fitting suit on Kisame, his navy locks spikey and swiped to the side, his cologne flooding his nostrils. "What?" Kisame laughs nervously. Itachi snaps into reality as he replies "You look..... so handsome." Kisame chuckles and shakes his head, "So do you. Now let's get this over with." Itachi smiles and nods as Kisame drives them to the university.

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