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Kisame sighs as he jumps into his car quickly, flooring the gas. He arrives to Granny Saitos restaurant in a matter of minutes. He reaches over and opens his glove compartment, slowly pulling his black Canik 9mm out and slipping it in his waistband resting against his lower back. He breathes deep as he enters the restaurant, unsure what to expect.

"Kisame," Hidan says standing up, motioning to his left. Kisame looks over and feels anger surge through his body as he eyes one of Kyus men, Jugo, sitting in a chair with his feet on the table. Kisame walks over and slaps his feet off the table. "What the fuck do you want?" Kisame asks. "Kisame!" He looks over to Granny Saito running to him. "He says I haven't paid! He said if I don't, he'll burn down my restaurant" she cries, tears streaming down her sagging cheeks. Kisame rubs her shoulders, "I'm not going to let that happen Granny. Don't worry" he assures her. "Not unless she pays me," the henchman says standing up. Kisame looks into her wet eyes, "Go into the kitchen Granny. I got this," he says giving her a small smile. She nods and listens, avoiding the loitering thug staring her down.

"She paid you at the beginning of the month," Kisame says turning to him. The man shrugs, "Prices have increased." Kisame grabs him by the collar and throws him to the floor. "If Kyu has a problem with how much she pays tell him to take it up with me Jugo!" The man shakes his head as he stands up. "Wrong answer man," he says picking up a pile of napkins, "Pretty flammable" he says smirking at kisame.

Kisame whips his gun out of his waistband and points it at him. "Kisame!" Hidan calls out. Jugo stumbles back, his hands raised slightly. "Come in here again and I swear... Kyu will find you and every single one of those vials in the river" Kisame seethes through his teeth. Jugo swallows slowly as he backs up and leaves the restaurant.

"Kisame?" He turns around to his name as he hides the gun behind his back "What happened? Who was that man?" The sweet old lady asks as she runs up to him. "No one you ever have to worry about okay? You call me if there's ever anyone hear you don't feel comfortable with, okay?" He says hugging her lightly. "Okay. Are you two hungry? Youre so skinny" She asks turning to Hidan. "Were good," Kisame says turning to the door. "Hey speak for yourself!" Hidan groans. "Eggrolls and soup?" She smiles at Hidan. He bows in return and smiles, "You know me so well." Kisame rolls his eyes as he sits down with Hidan at the booth.

"So, last night. Out again?" Hidan asks with a smirk. Kisame suppresses the blush in his cheeks. "I had business," he says quickly. "Ah, business. You've been gone a lot lately. Is it serious... this business?" Hidan asks. Kisame chuckles, "It seems to be heading that way but you never know." Hidan smiles at his friend, "Well I hope it is. I haven't seen you this happy in a long time, I'd like to meet him some time." Kisame quiets as Granny sets down the eggrolls and soup in front of Hidan. "Meet who?" She asks. Hidan looks to Kisame, slightly nervous. "Itachi, that friend I brought by a couple times," Kisame says nonchalantly. "Oh, he's such a sweet boy, I'm surprised he's single, good looking boy that one is" she says as she turns and walks away. Hidan gives him a death glare, "Granny met him before me?!" He says angrily but quietly. "We gotta eat," Kisame says shrugging. "I expect to meet him soon, you ass" Hidan says as he muches an egg roll angrily.


Itachi sighs as he plops himself on his couch, exhausted from standing at his lab station for what felt like half a day. He stares into the ceiling as he think back to his compound and its uses in the hospitals of Ame.

I really hope this helps people... he reaches into his pocket and pulls out 3 small vials of a red liquid. While he was making this latest batch of Px, under the watchful eye of Kyu's henchman, he simultaneously made an antidote. In the event his new compound has side effects or bad reactions, he wants to have an antidote readily available.

His eyes drift up to the TV as a news bulletin hits the screen. "A new drug wave has wracked through Ame as more and more hospitals are overrun with overdoses. The mysterious drug has made its way into all classes of citizens as officials struggle to find the source. More on this later, back to you Sakura."

Itachi furrows his brows as he looks down at the vial in his hand. There's no way that's my compound, Kyu said its going to the hospitals.... Itachi shakes his head and turns off the TV, I cant think about this anymore. He stands as a knock on the door interrupts him. He eyes it curiously as he wasn't expecting anyone. He opens it and smiles.

"Hungry?" Kisame asks as he leans against the door frame, holding up a bag of takeout. Itachi steps aside, admiring his statuesque boyfriend in his tight clothes. Tight black jeans, a tight navy blue tshirt and grey zip up hoodie, hugs his muscular frame. "Starving," he replies softly, his eyes dripping with hunger. Kisame kisses him softly as he strokes his cheek, "I meant for food." Itachi chuckles as Kisame steps in and he closes the door behind him. "Am I ever?" Itachi responds. "Well, Granny sent you your favorite soup, extra mushrooms" Kisame says unpacking the food.

"Well if Granny sent it, I have to eat it" Itachi says grabbing some plates. They sit down together for yet another simple dinner as they chat about their day. Itachi swallows slowly, unsure how to bring up what's been on his mind. "You know what I noticed?" Itachi asks pushing his plate away. "What's that?" Kisame says slurping a noodle. "I can't hear the front door when I'm in the bathroom" he replies. Kisame chuckles, "It's those fancy big doors. That's why." Itachi smiles softly, "Well I was thinking, you know, God forbid something happen and you can't get in." Kisame raises an eyebrow, "And?" Itachi shakes his head, "Just look under your plate Kisame," he breathes, his nerves finally getting the better of him. Kisame moves his plate, eyeing a silver key, his cheeks flare instantly as his body starts to warm.

"If you want I mean... if you think it's too soon I understand." Itachi says looking down, feeling extremely vulnerable and nervous. Kisame encloses the small key in his big hand as he jumps up and down in his mind. He comes around the table, nesting Itachi between his legs as he stands above him. "Of course I want this. I want anything from you. Even if it's just cause you can't hear the door" he smirks as he lifts the ravens chin.

Itachi blushes at his lame reason. "I just.... never want you to knock again," he says sweetly. Kisame feels his heart swell, Itachis black sweet orbs driving him crazy. "You are going to be the death of me...." Kisame whispers before leaning down and kissing his lips softly. Their hearts falling faster than the soft raindrops just outside the large arched windows...

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