Two Ends

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"Itachi...." His eyes flutter open, hearing his name softly in his ear. "Wake up..."

He sits up and rubs his eyes, seeing Kisame beside his bed. "Something wrong?" He says half asleep. Kisame shakes his head and looks to his beside table. Itachi chuckles seeing hot tea and a piece of toast on the table. "I'm not much of a breakfast person but thank you," he says sitting up higher in the bed, his back against the headboard.

"You're not much of a meal person at all, Tachi. I need you to eat," Kisame says sternly. Itachi nods and takes the warm cup, "Yes sir," he says sarcastically, taking a sip of his tea. Kisame chuckles and stands up, he kisses Itachi on the forehead before zipping up his jacket.

"I need to head out. Duty calls" he smiles. "Okay. You don't need to make me breakfast though, you can just slip out" he says with a sly smile.
"I did that last time. Don't want the impression that this is just a hang out/hook up type of thing," Kisame winks. Itachi raises his eyebrows as he sips his tea again, "And what is this then? If not a hook up thing?"

Kisame chuckles as he sits on the side of his bed, "You're gonna make me spell it out, aren't you?" Itachi shrugs, burying his head in his cup. "I like you Itachi, more than I allow myself to with anyone," he says. "Especially since I've never really found myself so attracted to..." He fades. "A male?" Itachi finishes.

Kisame chuckles and nods. "Yeah. This is all very new to me in... many ways." Itachi blushes, admiring the brutes vulnerability. I should stop teasing. "I admire your honesty and happy to see where this goes since.... I like you very much too Kisame." Kisame blushes and looks down. "Well that makes me feel better. I don't like spilling my guts you know..." Itachi sits up and kisses his cheek, "Well I appreciate it, more than you know."

Kisame smiles and stands up. "Talk later?" Itachi nods, watching Kisames muscular body leave his apartment. Itachi lays back against his pillows, smiling at the thoughts of last night. His thoughts are interrupted as his phone vibrates violently on his table.

Mr. Uchiha, this is Becker from the other week. We need you to get to the Ame chemistry lab right away.
Get there, you have an hour.

Click. Itachi swallows the lump in his throat as he slowly gets out of bed and gets dressed, unsure what to expect when he gets there. 


Kisame groans as he gets out of his mustang and jogs up the stairs to his apartment. He chuckles as he hears loud music coming from his living room. He opens the door as his eyes widen in surprise. "What... the hell.." he whispers. Hidan is passed out on the floor with two bikini clad women as Kakazu snores loudly on the couch and Pein vomiting in the sink.

Pein jumps as he hears the door close, turning around and wiping his mouth. "Kisame..." he groans. "What happened here?" Kisame asks, stepping over a random guy passed out on the floor. Pein dry heaves, taking a deeb breath before responding. "We... uh got our shares last night," he says bending down and retrieving an envelope from the kitchen cupboard. He throws Kisame the fat envelope as he plops down on the couch beside Kakazu, making the masked thug groan. 

Kisame opens the envelope as his eyes widen. "Wait..." He says turning to Pein rubbing his eyes on the couch. "This is each?" Pein dry heaves again and nods. "Yeah dude. This Px is hot stuff." Kisame smiles into the envelope, he can do so much with this, especially help Granny and Nero. "Wow. When's our next batch coming in?" Kisame asks sitting down on the recliner. "Supposedly tonight. Apparently this was a trial run but I can see us having to push it out as fast as we get it in, we've never sold so fast before" he replies. Kisame nods, "I know. Damn" he says smiling to himself.

Hidan grunts as he wakes up. "Ugh... what the fuck happened last night?" He groans as he rubs his face, sitting up. He blinks his eyes open seeing Kisame staring down at him, shaking his head. "Hey! Fucker! We called you last night! Where were you?!" Kisame chuckles and sits back, "I was out." Hidan smirks at him, "Doing what?" Kisames face turns stern as he thinks of a response. "I was just busy, Sherlock." Hidan shakes his head and stands up, "it's Einstein okay? Not Sherlock" He winks at Kisame. Kisame does his best to avoid having a reaction to Hidans remarks and just ignores him. "You're the farthest person from Einstein" Kakazu tells Hidan as he wakes up too.

Kisame laughs as Hidan flips Kakazu off and stumbles to the bathroom. "Be here tonight Kisame. We have the shipment coming" Pein says as Kisame heads to his room. "I will. I'll be here" he replies.


Itachi swallows the lump in his throat as he pushes open the doors to his chemistry class. He sees the same group of men waiting by his workstation. They turn to look at him as they hear the door open and close.

"Itachi!" The big man says gleefully, catching him off guard. Kyu walks over to him and slaps him hard on the back, making Itachi stumble forward. "You have made me a very rich and very happy man, Mr. Uchiha." He turns and looks to the man, his golden teeth glimmering under the fluorescent lights of the lab.

"Is the compound effective?" Itachi asks, restraining his hope. Kyu laughs a hearty laugh that soars through the room. "Very effective. It's doing it job very well. We need you on a weekly basis now," he says shoving him towards the table. "Weekly? Shouldn't this compound be patented to a pharmaceutical company for quality management?" Itachi asks.

"Why involve big pharma? They'll just slap a hefty price tag on it and many sick citizens will go without this miracle drug. Now please, get to work" he says turning around and leaving. Itachi turns his head slowly, seeing one of his guys lingering behind, taking a seat at a lab station a couple rows down. He looks to his equipment and shakes his head, something just doesn't feel right...

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