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Itachi nervously gets dressed, sliding on black straight leg jeans, a green sweatshirt and his black leather jacket over it, he ties his long hair back in a soft pony tail and get on his black high top vans. He gets a text from Kisame that he's here and jogs out front of his apartment complex.

"Hey," he says sliding into the seat. He looks over to Kisame but is met with soft lips being crushed against his, making his cheeks flush. Kisame pulls back and starts the car. "Hey" he says simply pulling the car out. Itachi tries to regain his breath as Kisame drives through the city.

"How are you?" Kisame asks looking over at the fidgeting young man in his passenger seat. "I-I'm okay" Itachi says quietly. "No more vomiting?" Kisame chuckles. Itachi facepalms trying not to remember. "Oh my... Kisame. I'm so sorry. Please forget that happened" he says looking at him. Kisame chuckles and looks at him as he comes to a red light. "I will not" he says flashing him a toothy smile.

"Why??" He pouts. "Because, it was absolutely adorable. Plus, at the end of the night you seemed to be in a rather better mood anyways" Kisame smirks. Itachi looks at him confused as Kisame continues to drive quietly until they reach a small Asian restaurant. Kisame and Itachi enter quietly, Kisame almost touching the ceiling.

"Party of 2? Kisame?!" The tiny old Asian lady screams. She comes around the corner and hugs the giant man around his leg. Her head coming up to his waist. He bends down and hugs her lightly, not wanting to hurt her. "Hi Granny Saito" he says loudly to the old woman. "Where have you been?! It's been too long! You know my food keeps you big and strong! That's why you have all these muscles!" She says slapping him on the shoulder.

"I've been busy Ma. I'm sorry," he says. She looks to Itachi, "Who is this handsome fella?" Kisame stands up, barely missing one of her many hanging bird feeders. "Granny this is Itachi. He's a friend of mine," he says. "Itachi. Nice to meet you, please come in" she says grabbing his hand and pulls him. Itachi looks at Kisame as the strong old lady drags him. Kisame shakes his head and laughs as she leads them through the crowded restaurant to a secluded table in the back.

"Thank you ma'am" Itachi says bowing slightly. "So polite" she says grabbing her heart. "Unlike this one" she says slapping Kisame and turning around. Kisame rolls his eyes and laughs as Itachi smiles at him. "What is the story here?" He asks. "Granny Saito is a friend of my families. After my parents died she and Nero looked after me," he says softly.

Itachi looks at him thoughtfully, he didn't realize any of that. "I'm so sorry Kisame," he says softly. "It's okay. That's why Ame is important to me. A lot of good people here in the midst of all this rain" he says sipping his green tea. "Here! Eat! Eat!" She says placing a plate of egg rolls, dumplings and veggies in front of them. "Granny! Too much! Calm down!" Kisame says.

"Nonsense. You need to eat. You're losing your muscles Kisame Hoshigaki!" She says slapping his shoulder and walking away. Kisame laughs and looks down, "Damn, that's cold." Itachi chuckles and reaches his hand out, stroking Kisame's hand softly, "Trust me... you're not losing you're muscles." Kisame smiles and runs him thumb over Itachis fingers, "She just wants me to eat her food" he says.

Kisame sees Granny coming and slides his hand back taking his cup in hand and taking a sip. "Kisame." He looks up, meeting Itachis intense gaze. "Yes?" "When you spent the night, I forgot a lot of what happened, can you tell me?" He asks. Kisame chuckles and takes a bite of his egg roll. "Do you really want to know?" He smiles. Itachi cringes "is it that bad?" Kisame nods "So bad."

Itachi shakes his head, mortified. "I'm kidding, it wasn't terrible" Kisame says taking his hand lightly. "We got to your place, we kissed and you challenged my strength to your loss" Kisame smiles ,"then you got on top and got sick and threw up all over me." Itachis eyes widen as he covers his mouth with his hands. "No!" He gasps. "Yup. All over my shirt." Itachi shakes his head and buries his face in his hands, absolutely mortified.

Kisame laughs out loud, hard. "I'm kidding Tachi. You ran to the bathroom. You didn't throw up on me" he laughs. Itachi looks up, death in his eyes. "You're such an ass Kisame." He laughs harder, "I'm sorry. I had to. You're so gullible." Itachi laughs and shakes his head, "So I threw up and went to bed?" Kisame nods "Yeah. I helped clean you up, undressed you in the most non-sexy way possible, force fed you some crackers and put you to bed."

Itachis smiles and nods, "Okay. Not terrible." Kisame holds up his finger as he sips his tea. "I'm not done." Itachi almost chokes on his tea, "There's more?" Kisame smirks and nods, "Oh yeah. You begged me to stay so I did. I left early in the morning." "Oh so you slept over? That's it?" He chuckles. "Well I got little sleep cause someone woke me up" Kisame laughs. Itachi swallows, remembering what he found that morning.

"What....woke you up?" He says softly. "I was in a deep restful sleep when all of sudden someone's calling my name," Kisame says eyeing him while he sips his tea. Itachi looks at him confused. "I look over and it's you. You're calling my name Itachi, " he says leaning closer to him. "Thing is... your asleep and your not calling're moaning it." He says winking at him.

Itachi sits back, his hand flying to his mouth to cover it, he's about to jump out of his seat when Kisame shoots out his leg, locking him into the booth seat. So it's true, he did see. "Kisame.... harder.... please" Kisame moans quietly, teasing Itachi, making himself grow hard under the table thinking about that night. Itachi closes his eyes, his cheeks on fire, getting flashbacks of his dream, remembering those words, warmth traveling down his neck to his thighs.

"It was.... the single sexiest thing I've ever seen in my entire life..." Kisame says quietly, making Itachi open his eyes at his admission. "Really?" Itachi breathes. Kisame nods slowly "It took all my power not to touch you and make you cum myself." Itachi shivers at his words, feeling himself strain against his zipper.

"So I just joined you instead" Kisame whispers, making Itachi gasp. "Joined me?" He asks. "I couldn't help it. You were so beautiful and moaning my name. I had to... we came at the same time if that helps." Itachi closes his eyes again imagining it, really upset he was sleeping. "But that's not fair, I was asleep," he says opening his eyes.

"Well we have forever Itachi, I plan on you being awake for the rest of them" Kisame says smiling at him. Itachis heart drops at his words, as his nerves catch on fire. They stare at each other in silence, the tension growing and thickening in the room, suffocating them both...

"You barely ate! What's wrong? You don't like my food?!" Granny Saito says interrupting the mood. Kisame straightens up and turns to her, "No Granny it's good. I forgot we have a movie to see. Can we get some boxes?" He asks.

She clicks her tongue and leaves as Kisame slides his hand over Itachis. "Are you mad?" He asks. Itachi smiles with a serious look in his eye "Not at all, but I will get you back for that." Kisame swallows slowly unsure how to take that and pull his hand back as Granny comes back with some boxes. She packs up their food as Kisame hands her some money. "Baka. No money. Just take care of yourself and eat. It was nice to meet you Irachi" She says kissing Kisame's cheek and walking off.

He stands up with Itachi as he adjusts himself and heads out to the front of the restaurant. Itachi waits as Kisame goes around the counter and opens the cash register. He opens his wallet and puts 200 dollars under the drawer and closes it, leading Itachi out of the restaurant. Itachi smiles to himself at how much this man cares for these small businesses.

Kisame slides in seat as Itachi closes the door. Kisame shifts his hips as the bulge is his pants makes it hard for him to focus. "So where-" Kisame starts but is stopped by Itachi grabbing his face and kissing him hard, forcing his tongue in his mouth. Kisame lays his hands on his waist as he kisses him back, shocked by the usually quiet scientist. Itachi pulls away, a line of saliva joining their lips. "Take me home" he says simply sitting back in his seat. Kisame shakes his head, adjusting himself and starting the car. They drive in silence as he heads back to Itachi's apartment, unsure if that was an invitation or a break up.

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