Tell her.

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It's quite obvious that Amity has been hard crushing on Luz since they became friends. I mean she blushes at every single thing Luz does. Luz has been no better recently either. She's also started blushing at Amity, but she looks really surprised by the fact that she was blushing so hard.

"Willow you need to help me-"
Luz abruptly sat next to me and shoved the book I was reading out of my hands.
"I guess homework can wait til later."
I said, crossing my legs towards Luz and preparing myself for some story.
She turned a bright red and rubbed her hands on her leggings anxiously.
I smiled and placed a supportive hand on her knee.
"Willow I... ithinkiminlovewithamity."
Did she just-
"Come again? Speak  S l o w l y."
Luz took a deep breath, and pushed her hair back.
"Willow. I. Think. I'm. In. Love. With. Amity."
Wow. I never thought she'd actually admit it.
"I know."
Luz's eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly.
"You... oh."
Luz scratched her neck nervously and tapped her feet.
"Go to her. Seriously Luz. She likes you too."
Luz's jaw dropped in awe.
"Yes! Now go!"
I punched Luz's arm and she bolted off into the woods.

I whipped past trees, bushes and other obscure plants and animals. Blight manor, here I come.
I broke from the woods, approaching a large manor. You could tell Amity had money.
I couldn't just knock on the door... window!
I walked around the house and was met to a large pink and purple stain glass window. I looked around my feet and picked up 6 small rocks.
I tossed it up to the big window. No answer
The large window swung open, and a familiar head of mint green hair peeked out.
Amity said, leaning out of the large window.
"Amity! Please... come down! We... we need to talk."
I fiddled with my skirt and kicked the dirt at my feet.
"Give me a second, I'll be right down."
Amity said and closed the big window.

3rd person POV

Only two minutes or so passed, and a thin girl emerged from the side of the building.
"Let's go to the boiling river."
Amity said, leading us into the woods and to this beautiful flowing river of steaming water.
We sat down on large and warped rocks, enjoying the view for a few seconds.
"So... what did you need to talk about?"
Amity blushed softly, Luz did the same, remembering what she had planned to do.
"Uh... well.. Amity."
"We've been friends for a while, and you are one of the most amazing people I've ever met."
The genuine compliment made Amity blush deeply.
"Thank you Luz. I truly understand friendship thanks to you. If you never came here, I'd probably still be hanging out with Boscha and Skara, making fun of willow and doing amazing in school."
Both girls smiled.
"Anyways, I know what it feels like to have a best friend, but with you it feels... different."
Luz took Amity's hand and put her head down, trying to suppress her blush.
"I feel.. the same. It feels... amazing when I'm with you and I..."
"Amity I think I'm in love with you."
Luz looked directly into Amity's eyes, deep red blush covering her face.
Amity was taken aback. She wasn't expecting Luz to just... confess!!!
"Yes, really!"
Luz smiled, her eyes welling up with tears with fear and hope.
"I'm in love with you too Luz!"
Amity laughed and sniffles, her eyes also filling with salty tears.
Luz clutched Amity's Hans and grinned  widely.
Luz leaned forward and met Amity's cheek with a light kiss. They both blushed harshly and laughed together.

Yeah, I know. IM BAD AT UPDATING LEAVE ME ALONE! Also, if there are any spelling errors, my phone is broken so that's why.

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