Secret Hideout💚

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Luz and Amity, enemies at first but soon blossomed into an incredible relationship. It was a stereotypical day for the two girls. Amity had invited Luz to the library where they would re-read all the Azura books together and do the voices of the characters. The two girls sat very close on a soft lilac bean bag, despite there being multiple other places to sit, they choose to sit as close as possible.
"Come Azura! For we have to defeat the beast that is reining terror upon the Kingdom!"
Amity exclaimed, as she grasped the left side of the book, while Luz held onto the right side.
"Hecate! We must wait! You haven't rested!"
Luz responded, equally as dramatic. A few chapters later and Luz and Amity began to grow extremely tired.
"Wanna take a nap? I can set an alarm so we will wake up in about an hour or so."
Amity was far too tired to fully respond, so she just nodded and closed her eyes, resting her head on Luz's shoulder. Luz's face flushed, allowing a dark red to dust her cheeks. Amity was literally sleeping on her shoulder! Luz took a deep breath in to calm nerves, but that only made Amity stir in her sleep. Amity then wrapped her arms around Luz's torso and cuddled into her side. Luz soon eased into her embrace and wrapped her arms around Amity's shoulders, pulling her on top of Luz. 
Amity was now sleeping soundly on Luz's chest, her arms now wrapped around her neck and Luz's on her waist. Both girls were comfortable an over joyed to be in each others embrace. Luz finally drifted to sleep, cuddling her crush as they slept in the dimly lit room on the soft bean bag. The star lights strung around the walls of the room were the only source of light, bright enough to see, but dark enough to sleep comfortably.
As the girls slept, they had no idea who was on their way to pay a surprise visit. Edric and Emira silently enter Amity's hideout, thinking she were some where's else with Luz. The twins stopped dead in their tracks, and didn't hesitate to take out their scrolls (phones) and snap multiple pictures. They didn't dare post the pictures, not knowing if the girls had come out yet. They giggled to them selves, then soon left, multiple pictures and videos later.
About three hours later, the girls awake. Amity being fully aware of their position first.Amity sat up at a rapid speed, no sitting on Luz's stomach.
Amity's outburst was interrupted by Luz sitting up and wrapping her arms around the frantic girls torso, pulling her back down, cuddling her again.
"Don't freak out Am. It's okay."
Luz was so calm and collected, but she was full aware of what she was doing to poor Amity. The girl was a blushing mess.
Amity cleared her throat and hugged Luz back. They soon got up to pack their stuff. Luz grabbing her book and shoving it in her bag, then looking at her phone on the floor that hadn't gone off for some reason. She picked up her phone, seeing the time she was utterly shocked. KEIRTJGNROTLKERGNBJJGRHOLK 
Luz was now the frantic one. Amity merely laughed it off and they left the library hand in hand. They hadn't realized they were holding hands until they got to the doors and had to go their separate ways. Luz looked down at their linked hands, Amity taking notice aswell. Amity, being Amity, got flustered and whipped her hand away, scared of what Luz was thinking.
Luz smiled softly, then leaned closer to Amity. Amity though her face couldn't get redder but it did once Luz had whispered something in her ear.
"By the way, you're really comfy. Let's do this again sometime."
Luz then smiled a cocky smile, knowing what she had done was cruel but utterly hilarious to see Amity so embarrassed. 
"I- LUZ!!!"
Luz then ran off giggling, obviously pleased with her self. Amity headed home also, not expecting what her twin older siblings would tease her about once she returned home.

HIIIIII!!! Author here, So, I was just wondering if there were any one shot ideas? Literally any idea is accepted as long as it is age appropriate because Luz and Amity are 14!!! But cute kisses, dates, etc is accepted. Just nothing sexual :)

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