Hey MJ!

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How do I tell Peter that I know his secret? It's driving me crazy! We're leaving for our summer trip later today and so I'll be spending all summer with Peter. I'm sure I'll be able to find a chance to tell him... right?

"Hey MJ!" I just gotta keep walking. It's just Brad. No use talking to him. He used to be way younger than me but ever since the blip he's suddenly in high school and he like keeps trying to talk to me... It's really annoying. He's really annoying. "MJ!"

"Hi Brad. What do you need?" I keep walking, hoping he'll catch on to the fact that I am in no mood to talk to him right now.

"I got a dual headphone adapter and I was wondering if you wanted to sit together on the plane... We could like watch a movie together or something... " What?! He wants to spend an entire plane trip to Europe sitting next to me? Yea... Sounds amazing...

"Umm... I'm not sure Brad... I... " Darn it! I can't think of any reasonable reason to not sit next to Brad. Except you know I don't want to...

"Oh. You probably already have plans to sit by someone, don't you?" Umm... I don't... quick MJ say someone's name... someone... anyone...

"Yea. I do. I'm gonna sit by Peter." Peter? That's the best I could come up with? There's no way he'll want to sit by me!

"Oh... He's not gonna sit next to Ned? Okay... Cool..." Ahhh! Peter is gonna sit next to Ned and Brad is gonna figure out that I'm lying! Darn it! Why did I have to say I was sitting next to Peter???

"Yea... You know... I should probably go talk to Peter... You know, make sure we're still sitting together on the plane and stuff... " Okay. Calm down MJ. Just find Peter and beg him to sit next to me... Maybe I could blackmail him into sitting next to me... I do know about the whole Spiderman thing... No! Stop it MJ that's a stupid idea! If you blackmail him he'll never want to talk to you again!

"Hey MJ!" I turn around fast and there's Peter. Peter Benjamin Parker. The exact person I need right now!

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