2: Deal

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The boys stood astonished as the woman in the containment cylinder stood from her chair. It was unclear how her bonds were cut, or how she was able to approach the glass without either of them noticing.

"Look, this is fun and all, but I really have places to be. Namely, not here!" she snarked, hitting her fist against the hole in the glass. It shattered on impact.

"WoahWoahWoah." Bucky stammered, standing in front of the girl and holding his hand out to stop her. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Out of here." She growled, staring daggers through Bucky's cold soul. "And I'm not about to have some boys in spandex and leather stop me."

Bowman continued walking forward, only to have her arm gripped by cold steel.

"You're not going anywhere." Bucky barked back.

She looked down to see a metal hand tightly gripped around her wrist.

"O-ho-ho!!!" Bowman laughed. "Winter Soldier? THE Winter Soldier? Man, is it good to see you again. How long has it been, days? Months?"


"Ah. Well, you can't blame me for forgetting. You know how cryochambers mess with your brain!" She chuckled. "Now, this has been fun, but I'm getting out of this hellhole, so if you excuse me--"

She pulled on her arm.

It wouldn't budge.


"Bowman." He growled. "If it were my decision, I would drive a bullet through your skull myself, but mister morals over here seems to see some good in you."

Steve took Bucky's glare in stride.

"So, the way I see things, you have two options." Bucky spat. "You come with us, or you die."

Bowman glared at Bucky, taking in her options.

"What happens if I go with you?"

"We're not sure." Steve responded. "We have a general idea on what we're doing but not how exactly that's gonna happen."

"I'm guessing that involves saving your friends?" Bowman retorted.

"Uh... Yeah..." Steve responded. "How did you--"

"I've been de-thawing since that asshole shot the glass about five hours ago. I heard everything."

Steve merely nodded.

"And if I choose to die?"

Bucky's eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"Then... Then you die???"

"Well, sure, but neither of you look to be in fighting condition." Bowman shrugged. "I could probably take you."

Bucky merely smirked. 

Bucky twisted Bowman's arm so it was pinned behind her, using his human hand to grip her neck. Gasps burst from her throat as she struggled to breathe, her left hand trying to pull his hand from her neck.

"O-oo-k-- HAY!" She barely gasped out before she was thrown to the floor. It took a second for her to recompose herself.

"Point... Taken..."

Steve walked over to the fallen girl, holding out his hand. "So I'll take that as a 'you're coming with us'?"

She stared daggers into Steve's crystal blue eyes, a steely stare that still somehow glistened with a kindness she could trust.


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