6: Goodnight, I Guess

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Eventually, the doctors were able to make a digital mapping of Bucky's arm so that they wouldn't have to pick and prod at him any more. They projected their holographic map into the wide open space of the room, walking around their model and discussing how to best sever the metal from his flesh without impacting too many nerve endings. At least, that's what the two super soldiers were able to piece together from the scientific jargon being flung around the room. 

It wasn't long after that Steve and T'Challa returned from their conversation in the drawing room. 

"Captain and I have an idea about our future plan," T'Challa stated with a smile. "But for now, you must rest. We have spare accommodations downstairs for everyone." 

Bowman and Bucky stood up from their bench, turning away from the marvels of technology to follow T'Challa to an elevator. 

"For your safety and security, the rooms are located in the bunker beneath this building. They connect to the mine shafts where we get our Vibranium, so you will be extra secure." He looked over his shoulder, turning to the other three. "Blankets will be your friend down there. It gets very cold this deep in the ground."

The elevator let out a soft ding, and the quartet exited through the doors into a cold, concrete space. It was sparsely decorated, with a durable tile floor and plain walls. The left side of the hall was lined with doors while the right had windows looking directly over the wide expanse of the underground mine. 

"It's beautiful." Bowman marveled. 

T'Challa smiled at her awe. "Thank you."

The group continued to walk down the hall until T'Challa stopped in front of three doors. Each door had a small metal window that could be opened, sliding aside to allow someone's eyes to peek into the cell.

"These will be your rooms. We normally reserve these cells for high-priority prisoners, so apologies for the lack of decoration. We have changed a few things to try and make them as comfortable as possible, and there's a change of clothes on your beds. I know it isn't ideal, but this is one of the few places we can guarantee your safety."

Steve nodded, going for the first door. Opening it, he found a comfortable queen bed in the middle with a side table and lamp. To the right was a basic toilet, sink, and standing shower with a concrete wall separating it from the sleeping space, but it had no door. Across from the bathroom space was a simple couch with a two throw pillows. Everything could be seen from the metal latched window. 

Bucky and Bowman opened their doors to find the same. The main difference between the rooms were the color schemes: Steve's room had a blue bedspread and couch while Bucky's room had a red theme and Bowman's room was green. It was clear they tried to make the cells into comfortable spaces, but it still looked like a prison. 

"Uh, thanks." Bucky tried to smile, but it was clear he was uncomfortable. Anyone would be. Everyone in the world thinks of him as a criminal, and the one country that welcomes him puts him in a cell. He understood why, and it made perfect logical sense, but it didn't help with the discomfort. 

"Will we be able to latch these metal doors closed?" Bowman inquired, sliding the metal opening back and forth.

"I can see about having them secured shut to allow you privacy." T'Challa smiled. "I know this isn't the best place to be, but it is the safest."

"Thank you, T'Challa." Steve smiled. "We really appreciate you allowing us to stay here."

"Of course, Captain." T'Challa smiled back, putting his hand on Steve's shoulder in a brotherly manner. "Now, you must be tired. I will leave you to your rooms."

With that, T'Challa returned to the elevator.

Bowman turned to her room, admiring the cute yellow throw pillow in the middle of her bed. "Well, it's better than a freezer box," she shrugged, going into her room and closing the door behind her. 

"Goodnight!" Steve yelled out, hoping Bowman heard. "I guess..."

Bucky chuckled at Steve's shenanigans. It had been years since Steve heard that laugh.

"It's great to have you back, Bucky." Steve grinned, patting his friend on the shoulder.

Bucky smiled back, taking a deep breath before turning his gaze to his new home. "It's great to be back." he answered. 

And with that, the two walked into their respective rooms for the night.

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