17: Sparring with Barnes

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When Bucky woke up, his room was pitch black. Then again, what did you expect from a prison cell-turned-bedroom next to a mine shaft underground? He flicked his bedside lamp on, taking a look at his watch to see how long he'd been able to sleep this time.

10 A.M.

Wait, that can't be right, he thought to himself. "My watch must be broken, let me check this."

He left his room to see that both Steve and Bowman had their eye slits open on their doors: their signal to let the others know they weren't in their rooms.

"There's no way..." Bucky muttered to himself.

He returned to his room to get dressed before nearly bolting to the elevator, curious to see just how off his watch was from the correct time.

When he reached the ground level, he exited to find all the palace employees milling around the building just like any old work day. A series of clocks hung on the wall opposite of the elevator showing the time for different time zones. When he found Wakanda's, his jaw nearly hit the floor.


Bucky's watch was an hour early.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me."

"Morning sleeping beauty~!" Bowman teased. "Did someone get a good night's sleep?"

"Yeah, actually-- wait, what have you two been up to since I was out?"

"We ate breakfast," Steve responded. "Then, I walked her around some of Wakanda, the park where we jog. We just came back for an early lunch, actually."

"We were taking bets on how late you'd sleep in." Bowman giggled. "Steve bet 9, I bet 10."

"Well, technically, you're right," Bucky chuckled, pointing at his watch.

"HAH! Take that, Rogers!" Bowman beamed, doing a goofy little happy dance. "Now you have to drink coke with raisins!"

Bucky stood aback for a second. "What'd she say?"

"Long story." Steve chuckled.

"Wow, I sleep in a few hours and already I'm missing out on inside jokes," Bucky shook his head in joking disapproval. "Anyways, what's the plan for the rest of the day?"

"Well, T'Challa's apparently handling some stuff down at City Hall, so we're kinda on our own for the day." Bowman shrugged. "We're getting food, but don't have any plans for after that."

Bucky nodded, taking in the information. "Well, since I missed my morning jog with Steve, I think I'm going to figure out where the gym is in this mess of a place and try to do something today."

"Ooh! We could spar!" Bowman interjected.

Steve looked at her curiously. "We literally just went on a walk. Aren't you tired?"

"I'm a super soldier too, Steve," she reminded him. "Besides, it'd be great to practice our skills before..." Her eyes darted around the room, realizing it was packed with people. "... Operation R&R."

The boys looked at her confused.

"Raft Raid. I'm talking about the Raft Raid." She spat out in a hushed tone.

"Ohhhhh," the two remarked, nodding their heads in understanding.

Bucky was still hesitant about sparring. He'd seen firsthand how the new wave of supersoldiers had turned violent, which in a way was good because it meant her brainwashing failed. However, he didn't want to reignite the violent overdrive Hydra seemed to program her to do.

Red Star ✴️ Bucky Barnes X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now