14: Dark

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A girl, laying on a cot.

She looks a lot like me, actually. She looks... Happy. You can see in her eyes, she's got a spirit about her. Just enough rebellion to be concerning. I like her.

Suddenly, a flash. Screams melding into each other like melting alloys forming a cacophony of horror. Blurry faces. Stampeding feet. It's impossible to tell what's going on, only that whatever it is, it isn't good.

A young girls voice. My voice. I think. It sounds like it's coming from me.

"Mommy? Daddy?"

A popping sound rains above my head. I think it's gunfire? But I can't see above anyone's knees. I hear that voice again.

"Mommy? Mommy where are you?"

Flash. Flash. Flash. My eyesight is constantly being blinded by... Something. I can't tell what. I can't see. Why can't I see? Why is everything blurry?

"It's okay dear..."

It's a sweet voice. An older one, much older than me. I can just see the outlines of her wrinkles. Come a little closer, I just want to see you...

"You're going to be okay here, dear. I promise."

I hear rattling. My eyes begin to shake. I think I'm... Moving? But I'm not moving. Maybe I'm on something that's moving, that would make sense. It's red. Or maybe I'm just seeing red. And it smells earthy, kinda nutty, like... Poppy seeds? Huh. I didn't even know I knew what those smelled like.


Where am I now? I hear that woman's voice again. It feels like how honey tastes... I think. I don't know if I've ever tasted honey, but it just sounds right.

"Are you okay, dear?"

I feel weak, but I have to answer her. It'd be rude not to.

"Yes... Dear..."

Wait, I see something. I'm laying down. My toes barely brush the metal footboard of... A medical bed? It's cold, whatever it is. But now it's warm. Odd.

I feel a hand. But it's too cold to be a hand. Is it the woman? I can just barely hear what she's saying...


Bowman? Bow-- who? I'm not Bowman, I'm..


Who am I?

Something doesn't feel right. I don't like this anymore. I don't trust this woman. Something feels very, very wrong here. I just know it.

Her eyes aren't kind anymore. I don't like where this is going. What is she giving me? It's white. Kinda shimmery.

Wait, stop!


I feel dizzy...

I feel... I feel...


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