27: Operation Raft Raid (Part II)

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Clint leaned over to Steve. "Is-- is that Zemo? Or am I going crazy?"

Bowman raised an arrow to Clint's heart.

"What the FU--"

Steve grabbed Clint, throwing the two of them against the wall and missing her arrow by inches.

Bucky jumped on Bowman, wrapping his arms around her and grabbing her bow. Before she could properly react, he pried the bow from her fingers and threw it several feet behind them.

Bowman didn't take her eyes off of her mission, stalking towards Clint. Seeing this, Bucky quickly wrapped his hands around her torso and threw her to the ground. Bucky jumped on top of her, trying to apprehend Bowman before she could follow her programming.

Clint just stared at the fight, confused. "How the hell did Zemo get a bow!?"

Steve sighed. "Long story."

Steve turned to the others who were standing around, concerned. "Get out of here!"

The others turned to follow Shuri while Steve pulled Clint to his feet. Placing his hand between Clint's shoulder blades, Steve pushed Clint forward.


Once he saw Clint follow the message, Steve turned back to help Bucky, who was really struggling to keep Bowman on the ground.

"You bastard!" She screamed, finally freeing herself from Bucky's grip. The second her feet were beneath her, Bowman sprinted in Clint's direction. Steve was just barely able to knock her down so she couldn't continue following the other Avengers.

Bucky came up behind her, wrapping his metal arm around her chest so she would stay pinned against him. She kept hitting his arm with punch after punch, trying to break free. She threw a kick Captain America's way, causing him to fall back several feet. Bucky just kept his grip steady, trying his best not to hurt her while Bowman thrashed, helpless.

Then, she got an idea.

Her hand reached around Bucky, grabbing the shoulder of his metal arm. She plunged her thumb into the side of his arm, right in the center of his red star. Bucky stared, confused, as he watched her thumb break through the titanium.

No, she didn't break it... she did something worse.

Bucky stood, helpless, as he heard the metal components of his arm click against one another.


Bucky's metal arm fell to the ground, disconnecting from his body before clattering to the grated floor.

Bucky and Steve stood in shock. By the time they snapped to, Bowman was sprinting down the hall.

"BOWMAN!" Bucky screamed, running down the hall after her. Steve followed, stopping to pick up Bucky's metal arm before continuing the chase.

Bucky caught up to Bowman fairly quickly. She was stopping at each curve, listening for the footsteps of her target. This way. Left. Right. Straight.

Clint was in her sights.





It took a second for Bowman to piece together that the "thwack" was, in fact, her body being thrown against the metal walls of the Raft. She stood to face her adversary; none other than James Buchanan Barnes.

Red Star ✴️ Bucky Barnes X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now