4: Welcome to Wakanda

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The group enjoyed the plane ride just about as much as you could with three super soldiers, a mass murderer, and a cat enthusiast.

They spent a majority of their flight explaining what happened to T'Challa, then explaining everything that happened before the fight to Bowman.

"Wait, so your name is Bucky?"


"And Spangles snapped you out of Hydra's brainwashing through childhood memories?"

"Please stop calling me that."

"So then you were on the run, and somewhere in this mess, a robot lifted a country into the air and then just... Threw it back to Earth?"


"Wow..." Bowman sat back, taking all this information in. "Why wasn't I brought into this sooner?"

"Well, mainly because Hydra abandoned the base that contained you and the rest of the Hydra Four."

"Six." Bowman corrected. "There were six of us. It's just that four of us got through our special training before being put back in the icebox for... How long?"

"Program started in 1991, it's 2016 so...." Bucky's eyebrows scrunched as he did the math in his head. "25 years? Most likely less. I don't know when the program disbanded. Time moves like a snail down there."

 Bowman sat back, arms crossed, and chuckled. "Huh. Well, it's definitely been a while. Sounds like I missed a lot."

"Well, we've caught you up on most of it." Steve responded.

"And perfect timing too." T'Challa replied from the pilot's chair. "We are just landing."

Bucky, Bowman, Steve, and even Zemo looked out the windows to see a large metallic statue of a Panther overlooking a wide-basin waterfall. The mist from the water coated the area, easily hiding that their airship was passing through a synthetic barrier.

The group looked on in awe as the Quinjet coasted over the falls, eventually landing on top of the nearest building.

T'Challa stood triumphantly, exiting the plane before walking around and opening the side door.

"Welcome to Wakanda," he smiled.

The group walked out of the plane in awe of the place, as everything just radiated with a natural beauty that couldn't be properly explained. Zemo was immediately taken into the hands of two members of the Dora Milaje and ushered away.

"Do not worry friends," T'Challa smiled. "Zemo will stand trial and will properly atone for his crimes. Right now, let us bring you into your new sleeping arrangements."

The group silently followed the King as he guided them through his kingdom.

"I am assuming you would like some medical assistance, Winter Soldier." T'Challa smiled. It was clear he was trying to be friendly, but hearing those two words made Bucky wince.

"Uh, yeah. That sounds... Great." Bucky responded, trying to hide his hurt.

T'Challa grimaced, regretting his choice of words, but the group simply continued walking towards the room at the heart of the palace:

Shuri's laboratory.

"Brother!" She squealed, running up to him and giving him a hug. "It's so great to see you, and--"

Her eyes darted between the group members.

"Why are there fugitives here?"

"It's a long story, sister." T'Challa smiled. "But do not worry: we are safe."

"Safe?" She barked back. "With him? Do you not remember what he did to our--"

"Yes, I know." T'Challa cut her off before he had to hear that painful word again. "But it wasn't him. The true killer is in our custody. Until the world learns that, they are staying here for their own safety."

Shuri's glare bounced from her brother to Bucky, to Steve, eventually resting on you.

"And who is she?"

"Bowman." T'Challa responded. 

Shuri looked confused. "Bowmannn..."

"It's just Bowman," she responded curtly.

"She is like the other two, a frozen super soldier." T'Challa chimed in.

"Ahhhh..." Shuri nodded, more in understanding than approval. "I assume you have come to me for more than just introductions?"

"Yes, The-- Bucky, here. His arm is in desperate need of an upgrade." T'Challa responded.

Shuri smiled. "Finally, something interesting!"

With childish delight, she led Bucky over to a bench. The second he sat down, several doctors surrounded him and began to study his prosthetic.

"Hey, easy there!" Bucky chuckled, trying to make light of the situation. It was almost weird to see him smile, unnatural yet... comforting. It was a nice sight to see.

"So, Captain," T'Challa turned to Steve. "What is exactly your plan going forward?"

"Well, there's a lot of good people who sacrificed themselves for us to be here," Steve responded, his blank stare casting over the waterfalls of Wakanda. "I'd like to return the favor."

"Ah, yes, the man with the wings and the red girl." T'Challa nodded.

"Sam and Wanda, but yes." Steve sighed. "I hurt most for Scott and Clint. They have kids to go home to and--"


The two turned around to see Bowman, standing there with tingling ears. 

"Clint... Clint Barton-- How do you know him?" She stated, frazzled. 

Steve froze, confused. "How do you know him?"

"Hawkeye. He..." Bowman shook her head, almost like she was trying to forget something. "...I've heard his name before."

The two looked at Bowman strangely, waiting for her to continue.

"T-That's all."

With that, she turned on her toes and left the room. 

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