Chapter II

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Chapter II

The Olympians sat in awkward silence, not one daring to break the tense atmosphere. The gods were uncharacteristically silent, the whole room being enveloped in an ear-deafening silence. For the first time, the whole throne room was in unison. No bickering, no arguing, no fighting. Just pure unadulterated silence.

Hades cleared his throat, breaking the tension. "Shall we summon him?"

Zeus, who seemed to be in a world of his one gave a small nod. "Indeed. Prepare the ritual. We need all the help we can get."

The Olympians slowly stood up and formed a circle. Their bodies started glowing with their respective colour as the area around them was engulfed with a spectrum of colours. The throne room shook with an ancient power, yet the gods were steadfast. They remained unmoving, using their energy to summon their last hope.

At the center of the circle appeared a symbol. A symbol that represented the wind. A symbol that represented the first wind spirit. They all collectively poured their energy into it, attempting to call out to the person that saved them. To the person that made it all possible. The wind spirit that pushed the tide of battle.

Their enemies had power. They had beings capable of wiping the whole of New York City off the map. Beings that even the gods had trouble dealing with. Their forces proved to be much too powerful for the mighty gods to handle. 

The gods and their enemies had their own secrets. Their enemies chose now was the time to strike whilst their forces were numerous. Yet there was something that they failed to realize. Though they had abominations of mass destruction, the gods too, had their own demon.


The moon was shining bright, casting a serene and peaceful light onto the earth. The trees were steady and calm, unmoving, tall and proud. The birds were having one last flight until turning in for the night. The deers were grazing, enjoying the night sky. The forest was peaceful.

It was short-lived as a symbol, the same symbol the gods saw, appeared in the middle of a clearing. The wind picked up, making even the trees bend at its will. The birds chirped, flying away, trying their best not to get bested by the strong winds. The deer which were grazing scattered like flies.

The symbol grew brighter as numerous more symbols appeared at its side. A bright green light shot out from the symbol, startling the local wildlife. The light shrank, its form weaving in on itself, its form changing, altered, like a mold of clay being shaped by whoever saw it fit.

With a flash, the light disappeared, taking with it the symbols and the strong gusts of wind. The light bore with it a person, a silhouette vaguely resembling something human. 

The person groaned, letting out a tired sigh. 

His eyes darted around the area, a dazed look on his face. "How long have I-"

He widened his eyes, turning to examine himself. He was summoned that's for sure. He cursed, facepalming in annoyance.

"Jesus Christ, you've got to be kidding me."

"Can't even do the ritual correctly." he muttered underneath his breath. He was Percy, the first wind spirit. Yet no one knew of his actual name. It was forgotten to time. All that knew of him called him Tempest, a remembrance of the bloodshed that occurred that day.

With the form that he took however, no one would believe him. For he wasn't eighteen. He was stuck in his twelve-year-old body. Stuck in the body of a prepubescent teen.

The Wind's Solemn Requiem - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now