Chapter VI

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Chapter IV

Percy plopped down on a nearby branch, basking in the night sky. It had been too long since he had a break. And he sure as hell wanted to cherish every moment he had. He already warned the campers about the upcoming monster army. 

He was powerful, but he needed to catch his breath every now and again.

He extended his hand, a flask of apple juice appearing in his hand. He liked the taste of the beverage. Reminded him of old times.

He rested his back across the tree, sittings silently and occasionally taking leisure sips of his drink. It was moments like these that give him a sense of nostalgia. But with the air of nostalgia comes an occasional air of sadness.

He sighed, taking one small sip, staring off into the night sky.

The moon seemed to glow bright, basking the forest in a moonlit glow.

And so, with the constellation of the Huntress looming over. He closed his eyes and slowly pondered on what his next course of action would be.


The camp was, unsurprisingly, in chaos. Everyone was running around, panic evident in their steps. Each camper that was able to fight was running around like headless chickens, grabbing their respective weapons then going to their stations. It was pure disarray.

Some campers were tripping in on themselves whilst trying to get where they were supposed to be. The Apollo campers were preparing their bows and all their healing supplies. Demeter kids were blocking off some entrances to the Camp using their powers over nature. Hephaestus kids were quick with their tinkering, trying to create deadly machines of war.

"Chiron, we're almost set up," Nico called out, jogging to the aged centaur in a pant. Sweat beaded across his forehead.

"That's good, that's good," he replied, his face showing that of anxiety. This war would dwarf all the previous ones. The war that would end all wars.

"Although if I'm being honest. Morale isn't too high." Nico sighed out, his gaze falling onto the fumbling campers.

"Can you blame them?" 

Nico shook his head, his hand resting onto his Stygian Iron sword strapped onto his waist.

"This is, quite obviously, bad" Nico stated the obvious, earning a nod of agreement from the centaur.

"Whatever and whoever we're facing. They're not messing around," he added, awaiting Chiron's input.

"Then we'd best prepare with the best of our ability." he mused, stroking his beard in thought.  "If we fall. We aren't going down without a fight."

Nico nodded, trying to calm his beating heart. He could sense it. This war wasn't even comparable to the previous ones. It seemed... hopeless.

He shook those thoughts away, trying to look at the bright side, which was uncharacteristic of him. 

He was about to mention something when he could see a glimmer of silver at the corner of his eye, followed by a large thud as a pair of arms wrapped around him, enveloping him in a hug.

Nico gasped, the air being pushed out of his lungs.

"It's been too long Death breath!" the person called out, earning a smile from the son of Hades.

"It's good to see you Thalia, but could you perhaps." he choked out, out of breath. "try and not kill me?"

Thalia released her cousin from the death hug, a small smile tugging on her features.

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