Chapter IV

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Chapter IV

She choked on air, her eyes darting to the wind spirit in front of her, her expression showing that of shock and confusion. Percy met the gaze head-on, his eyebrow raised, bracing himself for the barrage of questions he was about to receive. Zoë stood there silent, looking at Percy like he just killed her dog.

"Excuse me?" she tried to say, still not fully absorbing the information that was given to her. Percy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in amusement.

"It means I'm not as powerful as before." he deadpanned. "I'd make a guess and say I'm just half of what I used to be."

'Yeah, yeah, I figured as much."

She rubbed her temples. "Just-

"Still trying to process."

Percy nodded, giving her time to think. He too, was rather shocked when he realized he had a time limit on when he could use his powers. Along with being extremely tired whenever using said powers. Pulling out and using his signature gale blades, the twin short swords made from coalesced wind that claimed hundreds upon hundreds of titan lives before, was time capped. 

Not only was he weak, but going back to his previous self was restricted to a time limit.

"That's" she started. "that's not good."

He rolled his eyes. "You don't say."

"So what do you plan to do?" she asked, a look of worry crossing her face. "Your not as powerful as before, that complicates things."

He clicked his tongue, a tired sigh slowly escaping his lips. He genuinely had no idea what to do now. He needed to think of something, and quick. He didn't want to waste time. He needed to find some leverage before the war starts.

"You can't just waltz on over there and go ham. You could do just that a thousand years ago. But now-" she mused, a look of worry adorned her features.

"Do they have an army?" he asked for confirmation. Zoë gave a small nod, earning a tired sigh from the wind spirit.

"Of course they do." he muttered underneath his breath.

"That is going to be troublesome."

"The person in charge of this is going to be much more annoying to deal with." he noted, placing a thoughtful hand underneath his chin. Zoë slapped his wrist, causing the wind spirit to hiss in pain and look at her with confusion.

"I'm going to poke around, here and there. Check what they have and maybe sabotage some stuff if I can. It's going to be quite a drag." he mused, earning another slap on the wrist from the frustrated hunter.

"You can't just say 'oh it's going to be a drag'" she copied him, mocking Percy right then and there.

"You can't keep acting high and mighty, especially this time. Another time I would've laughed. But this time you can actually die!" she warned, causing him to look down on the ground guiltily.

"You can't just go all willy-nilly like before." she chided, glaring at the wind spirit.

"As you can probably tell, you're not the all-powerful wind spirit like you were before."

He shrugged, staring at the huntress in front of him. "Someone has to do it. D'you really think the gods have enough balls to sabotage their plans? They value their life too much for that."

"Just-" she faltered. "just be careful, alright?"

He pulled out a cheeky smile, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face. "You worried I'll die."

The Wind's Solemn Requiem - Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now