Chapter IX

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Chapter IX

The three-winged Anemoi descended from the sky, bringing with them an aura of might and glory—the presence of divine beings. Their wings were stunning, with intricate patterns and designs that made everyone on the battlefield stare in awe. Be it monster, or demigod.

The demigods were understandably confused. Staring at the three beings with confusion and shock evident in their faces.

As the three descended slowly, their wings tucked, their respective winds slowing their descent. The whole battlefield was shocked, watching in stunned silence.

The trees billowed with the wind, its leaves rustling from the sudden breeze that the wind gods emitted. The battle would continue even with divine presence. The shock wouldn't last forever. Except for this time, the demigods had backup.

The three wind gods shared a look, a smile present on all of their faces like they haven't seen each other in quite some time.

And with that simple greeting, they dug in.

Eurus flew immediately to the battlefield, summoning forth his spear of divine origin and hacking and slashing at whatever monster he saw. None of the monsters could move, shocked at the sudden engagement of the wind gods. All they could do was watch in shock as the speedy wind of the east fought on the battlefield.

Soon Zephyros would join, extending his arm and materializing a sword of green; the sword of spring. The demigods could feel their wounds slowly start to heal simply by being in close proximity of Zephyros' weapon. The demigods could feel their weariness and fatigue slowly fade away as the sword cast a positive aura around the demigods.

Notus would soon join the bloodbath, summoning a dagger made of storms and thunder. A symbol of the stormy winds and chaos. He surged forth in tremendous speed, slicing at monster after monster with a strength unparalleled with each slash of the dagger bringing forth a crack of lightning and striking a nearby monster.

It had been so long since they fought together. Everyone one of them—except the self exiling god of the north—would meet together every once in a while. Yet it had been years upon years since they last fought a battle. It was exhilarating.

But even after all the years devoid of practice. They moved like a well-oiled machine, covering each others' weaknesses and improving upon each others' strengths.

Notus ducked, avoiding an arrow from the now active monster army. He twirled his dagger playfully, hurling it at a nearby monster archer, the trajectory of the dagger sparking storms across its path, creating havoc and collateral damage along the way.

Eurus grunted, messing up one of his signature tactics due to lack of practice. He clutched his spear and thrust it forward, the spear extending with magic and impaling three monsters that were unlucky enough to be in its path.

Zephyros, the god of spring would snap his fingers and almost instantly all of Eurus' wounds and gashes were healed with no consequences. Zephyros was without a doubt the weakest fighter of the four. But he was undoubtedly the most important part of their team. He was the glue that held them all together.

Eurus who now was getting more and more accustomed to the battlefield seemed to weave himself in tactical positions that gave him the best position to take out as many monsters as possible. He ducked, avoiding the arrow aimed straight at him with ease. He turned towards the source, clutching his spear and throwing it with all his might, the force of the throw causing a boom of power and destroying the land around him.

The three fought with vigor that hasn't been seen for centuries. A passion like never before, slicing and dicing through the monster army like they were made out of butter. 

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