Chapter VIII

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Chapter VIII

Zephyros. The god of the west wind. A member of the four Anemoi. One of the few that was tasked to protect the world from threats whilst Percy was gone. He was a formidable opponent. Able to manipulate the wind to a masterful degree like his fellow brethren.

He held these titles. Yet one thing that could be described of him was shock. Shock, as he stared at the friend that he thought was gone forever.

"No tricks, this is real?" Zephyros asked, his eyes wide, staring at the person that he hasn't seen forever.

Percy crossed his arms, giving a nonchalant nod.

"You're telling me you're standing right in front of me, no illusions, you're actually here?"

"How many times do I have to say 'yes' for you to make the connection?"

Zephyros looked at Percy, his features screaming glee. "That's- I can't believe it."

"You're back," he ran a hand through his hair, the shock finally starting to subside.

"Although I am quite curious at the form that you took-"

"Mention it, and I'll slit your neck."


"I am delighted that you're here-" he managed to say. "But I know that look on your face. You're here for something."

Percy nodded, confirming what Zephyros was thinking. "Yes I am. I am in need of your help."

"Yeah right," he joked, taking a small sip of water from the nearby counter. But when he saw that Percy's face was deadpan and completely serious, his face dropped in confusion.

"Oh, you're serious?"

"Yes. An army of powerful monsters is marching at Camp Half-Blood right as we speak. The demigods can't hold on for long so they need all the help they can get." he deadpanned. "Notus and Eurus are already headed there." 

"I'll deal with Nyx whilst you four deal with her army." 

"I'll get to it-" he started, stopping abruptly. "Us four?"

Percy gave a firm nod towards the west wind as Zephyros picked up what he was trying to say.

"Ah, so you're doing what the mortals call 'getting the band back together?'" he asked raising his brow.

"It's a good thing that you've already talked to Eurus and Notus," he nodded.

"But I noticed that Boreas is still missing from the equation."

"Yeah, I'm working on that," he admitted, sighing in exasperation. 

"So you already know about him?"

"Notus told me a while ago, yeah."

Zephyros who was usually carefree and happy-go-lucky had a small and calculating look on his face. His usual grin was replaced with a thoughtful expression. He knew that Boreas was braving the isolation that he placed himself in. He knew that out of all of them, Percy was the best bet to bring him out the Boreas that they all knew.

"It'll be hard that's for sure. But I have faith in you. You of all people have the best chance of knocking some sense into our dear old friend don't you think?"

"I guess we'll have to see."

Zephyros nodded with approval, backing away with an exaggerated step until finally disappearing in a gust of wind, leaving the wind spirit to his thoughts.

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