Chapter XI

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Chapter XI

Artemis dashed through the woods, her steps untraceable to the inexperienced eye. She had a rough understanding of where Percy was, but she still had the arduous task of actually trying to locate where he was.

She dodged and weaved, leaping through the trees and branches with elegance and speed, moving through the dense foliage of the forest with relative ease.

Percy was a person that intrigued her. Out of every male, he was without a doubt the one that she held the highest regard for. He managed to earn her respect and friendship which couldn't be said for anyone, especially since he was male. It made her question her beliefs.

Perhaps one of the reasons for her warming up to him was Zoë. Artemis could faintly remember the disdain of the former lieutenant to anyone of the male gender. Zoë hated everyone that was a boy. She could still remember the seething rage that would engulf her when someone would even dare mention the name Heracles.

Yet Percy managed to pry himself into her cold heart and managed to break through the tough exterior of Zoë Nightshade and saw her true self. And that was something Artemis considered a rather rare feat. 

Zoë held Percy in high regard, even the man-hating goddess knew how Percy was such a big part of Zoë's life. Even though the one rule of the hunt is to disregard any past relationships with males and start over, Artemis had the bend the rules for Zoë to join. The demititan just wouldn't join if it meant leaving Percy.

Zoë was ready to leave the hunt if it meant that she'd have to cease all contact with her friend. She was was Artemis' closest friend so she was a bit more lenient towards her. Hell, she changed the rules just so that Zoë could join the hunt.

And it's this high regard that made Artemis herself warm up to the wind spirit. He was kind, caring, and compassionate. She thought he was a decent male. But only after his sudden departure did she realize he was more than decent.

Not only is Artemis saving him in memory of Zoë, but she's also saving him for the sake that he was also her friend.

Artemis stopped in her tracks, seeing the signs of a monster camp nearby. Be it the small scratches on the trees, or the fact that some footprints were still visible on the ground. The shift in the wind mimicked that of fire, of torches.

She slowed her pace to a halt, observing her surroundings for any more context clues. She knew the camp was nearby but was determining the exact location.

Her ears perked up when she heard the thwack of a bowstring in the near vicinity. She darted forward, going to the sound of the bowstring, immediately pinpointing the exact location where the bow was being used. 

She was so used to tracking and picking up particular sounds that her ears were exceptional for a hunter. Her being a goddess also helped tremendously.

As she peeked through a nearby bush, she finally saw a monster camp that was guarded rather fiercely. 

She stood there in contemplative silence, assessing what her next move should be. She knew she couldn't charge headfirst. Although she was certain that she could take on the monsters without much trouble. It would alert Nyx of her presence and would immediately undermine any possible chances for stealth.

The moment that Nyx finds out that she's lurking around, she's dead. 

The camp itself was simple with tents and tables filled with battle maps all around the clearing. Multiple weapon racks housed a variety of deadly weapons that would frighten even the most courageous of demigods. 

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