The hut on the rock and the giant inside

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Kat' s POV:
So, here we are in a little row boat. Going to a rock. And of course being the pigs that they are the Dursley's made Harry and I row the little boat. My arms were burnin from rowing nonstop for 30 minutes. That may not seem like a long time but between all of us that boat was heavy. When we got inside the hut on the rock there was only 1 bedroom, a couch, and a tiny cupboard that I couldn't even fit my foot into sighing Harry and I turned to each other knowing that we were going to sleep on the floor. Of course as we predicted Vernon and petunia got the bed, dudley got the couch, and Harry and I got a thin sheet on The dirt floor. Laying down amaryllis and I sat quietly waiting for midnight to come around. Tonight at midnight it would be our birthday. ~time skip~ It was 11:58 and Harry had managed to stay awake. Harry mand I drew a small cake cake on the floor with 11 candles and just waited until 12:00. Finally Harry's watch beeped signifying that it was midnight. Resting on my elbows I turned to look at Harry, "make a wish Harry"I whispered. Smiling slightly Harry turned to me and whispered, "Make a wish Kat." Harry and I turned back to the cake and blew away the candles in the dirt. We both looked back at each other with sad smiles on our faces. Suddenly Harry and I heard a loud banging on the door. The loud noise woke up Vernon, Petunia, and Dudley. Vernon ran down the stairs with a shotgun and turned on the lightbulb while Petunia hid behind him. The door suddenly caved and fell to the floor while in walked a giant man. Harry quickly hid inside a small opening in the wall while I was out in the open gaping at the giant man like a goldfish. The giant took off his goggles, looked around and said, "sorry, 'bout tha" he turned around and picked up the door to put it in its place. Vernon clutched the shotgun tightly with a red face and said, " I command that you leave at once sir! You are breaking an entry!" The giant looked over at him, bent his gun, and said, "dry up dursley you grea' prune!" Terrified Vernon tried firing the gun but the bullet went through the ceiling. The giant then walked up to Dudley and said, " I haven' seen you since you was a baby Harry, your a bi' more along than I woulda expected particulary 'round the middle."
Dudley stared at the man trying to pull together a sentence. Finally managed to make words he responded with, "I-I-I'm n-not Harry." Hearing this Harry came out of his hiding spot. "I am" he said
"Well o' course you are." The giant said with what almost sounded like a relieved sigh. The giant looked around confused and asked, "Where's Katillia?"he asked. Still standing here looking like a goldfish I raised my hand slightly and stuttered out, "I-I'm here."
The man looked at me and smiled. Suddenly remembering something the giant patted his giant pockets looking for something "Got somin' for Ya!" He said with an excited smile, "I'm afraid I may have sa' on it at one point but I'm sure it'll taste fine just the same!" Finally pulling something out of his pocket, he handed us a box. Peering inside I saw a cake with pink icing and green words that said 'HAPPEE BIRTHDAY'. "Baked it my self words an all!" He said rather proudly. "Thankyou!" Harry said. Smiling softly I looked up at the giant man and said thank you quietly. Still smiling he looked at us and said "It's not everyday yer young man an girl turn 11 is it!" He boomed excitedly.
Taking my finger I took the cake and dipped it in the frosting, licking my finger I closed my eyes savoring the taste. The man walked over to the couch and sat down with a loud 'thud' making himself comfortable. He then pulled out a pink umbrella pointed it at the fire place and waited until fire flew out of the umbrella. Harry and I stared wide eyed at the now crackling fire. "Excuse me" Harry said cautiously putting down the cake."Who are you?" Harry asked the giant. The man looked at us rubbing his hands together near the fire to keep warm and said "Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts." Smiling at us he added on, "course you know all abou' Hogwarts!" He said still rubbing his hands "Sorry, no." I replied for the both of us. "No?" He said looking confused. "Blimey you two, didn't you ever wonder were your parents learnt it all?"he asked. " Learned what?" Harry asked while sharing a confused glance at me. He looked at us seriously and said "your wizards...." Out of the corner of my eye I saw Vernon try to fall asleep to see if this was all a horrible nightmare, giggling slightly at the sight I turned back to Hagrid and looked at him surprised and said, "we're what?!" Looking between Harry and I he replied with, "Your wizards, and thumpin good ones I migh' add." Harry looked at him and said "I-I, w-we can't be wizards, I mean we're just Kat and Harry, just Kat and Harry" Hagrid looked at us obviously amused and said, "Well 'just Kat and Harry, Di' Ya ever make anythin' happen? Somethin that you couldn't explain when y-you were angry, or scared?" Harry and I looked at each other as if to say, how did he know? He nodded his head satisfied and got up.
Fishing something out of his giant pocket he handed Harry and I letters.With an exasperated sigh I said," Finally! I've been waiting to read this for days!" Looking at me amused Hagrid turned back to the fire while Harry read his aloud. "Dear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" Before he could continue Vernon got up and said "NO, THEY WILL NOT BE GOING I TELL YOU! WE SWORE WHEN WE TOOK THEM IN THAT WE WOULD PUT A STOP TO ALL THIS RUBBISH!!" He looked like he was about to explode. " You knew?!?" Harry exclaimed. "You knew! You knew all along and you never told us!??!" Then Petunia decided to stepped in. " Of course we knew, how could we not?!" She paused and walked over with a sour look on her face. " My PERFECT sister,being what she was. Mother and father were so PROUD the day she got her letter. We have a witch in the family."She spat out. "Isn't it wonderful"she sang sarcastically. "I was the only one to see her for what she really was. A FREAK." She paused with a scowl on her face, "And then she met that Potter. And I knew, I knew you both would be just as strange just as - abnormal. And then she went and got herself BLOWN UP!!" She stated. Then I spoke up " Blown up?! You said our parents died in a CAR CRASH!" I said furiously.
Hagrids face was red from anger. "A car crash! A CAR CRASH KILLED LILY AND JAMES POTTER! THATS AN OUTRAGE! IT'S A SCANDAL!" Interrupting Hagrid's rant Vernon stated that we would not be going. "Oh, and I suppose a great muggle like yourself is going to stop them!" Hagrid taunted. I looked at Hagrid confused and said, "a muggle?" He looked down towards me and explained quickly, "none magic folk." He looked at Vernon and yelled, "THESE TWO HAVE HAD THEIR NAMES DOWN SINCE THEY WERE BORN!! They're going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, AND they'll be taught under the finest headmaster ever, Albus Dumbledore." Satisfied with his speech he finished and looked at. Furious Vernon looked at him and said, "I will not have some crack pot old fool teach him magic TRICKS!!" Spit flying as he spoke angrily.
Hagrid with a furious look on his face took out his umbrella and pointed it at Vernon who took a step back frightened by the object and stated "Never, insult, Albus Dumbledore in front of me." He threatened. He then looked over at Dudley who was stuffing his face with our cake, which by the way made me really upset considering I would've loved to have eaten that cake, pointed the umbrella at Dudley and gave him a curly pink pig tail. Petunia screamed at the same time as Dudley and Vernon and they followed a terrified Dudley out and into their bedroom. Harry and I looked at each other amused and started laughing. Hagrid looked at us happily and then furrowed his eyebrows and stated, "Oh,um I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts bout that, strictly speaking I'm not allowed to do magic.." He said quietly. Harry and I nodded our heads in understandment. He then pulled out a pocket watch. From his pocket. How big are those things? I wondered "OH, we're a bit behind schedule. We best be off."he headed towards the door and turned around. "You could always stay y'know." Not thinking twice Harry and I grabbed our coats and headed out the door with Hagrid.

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