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Kat's POV:
We made it through the opening into Diagon Alley. First we went to the book store called "Flourish and Blotts." We bought our books and then went to Madame Malkin's for our robes. We walked in and were greeted by a short lady with tape measures and needles. She looked frazzled. "What school dears?" She asked us. "Hogwarts." We replied. She took out her tape measures and measured our arms and legs. Then a stuck up looking boy with greased back hair started complaining that his robes were to small. I hated him even though I didn't know him. She looked at him and said that his robes were fine. Then his father turned to him and said in a very snooty tone " Come on Draco we'll find a different place." After he walked out Ms. Malkin came back to us and gave us our robes. We paid and walked out the store. " I've got somthin' to do. You two go ahead to Ollivander's to get yer' wands" Hagrid said. We made our way down the street to a small little shop. We walked in side and looked around. "Ah. I've been wondering when I'd get to see you, Mr. And Ms. Potter." A man with white hair said. He walked away and came out with a couple boxes of wands. He handed the wand to Harry. "Why don't you give it a little flick." Harry waved the wand and a glass vase shattered. "No, no definitely not." He once again disappeared into the huge pile of wands. " I wonder?" He whispered. He took the wand and gave it to Harry. Once the wand touched Harry's finger tips an aura of light went around Harry. Peculiar. Very peculiar" Ollivander whispered. "I'm sorry what's so peculiar?" Harry asked confused. "Now I remember every single wand I've ever sold Mr. Potter. And it just so happens that the Phoenix who's tail feather remains in your wand gave one other tail feather just one. It's curious that this wand is destined for you when it's brother, gave you two those scars." He said in a very serious tone. Harry and I gave each other very shocked looks. Ollivander then walked away to get my wand. He handed me a wand. I took the wand and flicked it, all the windows shattered! He then muttered to himself and disappeared again. He came back with a very fancy looking red box with gold vines wrapped around it. " Only one person is destined to open this box. And it just so happens that I believe you are the person who can open this box." I walked up to him took the box and ran my hand over the gold vines. The vines started pulling away from the lock on the box, and the box popped open. I looked up with a confused face. "Go on," Harry urged "open it." I opened the box to reveal a delicate light brown wand. "That is one of the most rarest wands in existence. It made from vine wood,an uncommon wood and a Phoenix tail feather core. Only you-know-who and your brother have that core. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the window. We turned to around to see Hagrid carrying 2 cages. One with a snowy owl in it, and the other with a beautiful fluffy cat. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" He called from the window. We walked outside and I immediately went over to the cat. "Im gonna call her...... Willow!" I exclaimed. She was beautiful. Harry chose the snowy owl and named her "Hedwig."

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