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This is a work of fiction. Names, character, businessess, places, events and incidents, are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual person living or dead , or actual events are purely coincidental.

No part of this book may reproduce or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author.

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This story is unedited, so expect typo graphical errors, grammatical errors, wrong spellings and whatsoever errors. If you are looking for a perfect story, don't continue reading this. Thank you!

Note. The diseases that are mentioned here might be real but the families involved in this is not real, this is just pure fiction.



As i was making boat, a nurse came running to my room with tears running down her cheeks and she suddenly broke down. Mako, my daughter looked at me full of confusion written on her face..

"What's wrong, mama? Why is the nurse crying?"

I went to my daughter and sat beside her, i looked at her lovely ocean eyes and can't help but to let go of a tear, "Finish this boat for me, okay?" I gave her my unfinished paper boat and my daughter nodded.

I helped the nurse to get up and we went outside..

From there, tears were running down my cheeks, i couldnt hear anything, i feel numb, i couldnt keep up with sudden of events. My legs suddenly were shaking and broke down to tears, i screamed my lungs out, i screamed all the pain until.. i just saw infront of me.. am i seeing a ghost?

It hugged me, he hugged me, "It's raining.." he said.

I was reaching out to hug him back but he was no longer there, my love was no longer there.. he's gone..

I hugged myself and my chest feels to tight, it feels too tight that i couldnt breathe at all. I cried and i cried and i cant stop crying..


"Nahara, why are you studying again?" My friend Lily asked.

"There's an exam tomorrow, Lily, dont tell me you forgot again?" I sighed. What do i even get to expect from my friend?

"Hehe, well since we sit beside each other you can let me copy, right?" And let out her annoying puppy eyes.

"Fine," She then was happy.

Big problem. Our seating arrangement changed, am i lucky or is my friend unlucky? Well can't say i blame the teacher though, since Lily is talkative, our teacher would indeed notice that. The exam was indeed hard, and base on my friend's look, she did have a hard time answering them. I just forgot to answer one question and it was an essay, the question was kinda hard, and i'm not really into romance so i didnt think of answering it.

Break time and i decided to treat Lily because i promised to let her copy my work but then the seating arrangement happened.

"Nahara, i feel like you didnt answer the essay, you hate love that much?" Lily asked out of nowhere.

Paper Boats (Paper Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now