Heyyy everybody. Sorry I haven't updated, I have been SWAMPED with homework. And it sucks.....hahaha....yeah. So sorry if this chapter sucks or is rushed. I kind of typed it an walked away. I just wanted to say that this book has about like 5 or 4 chapters left. I am kind of just tying loose knots now. And putting the final touches. If that makes sense. So in typing this is class and everyone is like IS THAT A PHONE?! And I'm like PSH WHAT?! WHAT PHONE. alright. So. Yeah. Anyways. Where was i? Oh yea. Chapters. I have already decided that there will be no sequel. Where I leave Everthing is where I want it. You can use you imagination for after the book to decide what then happens. Sorry! But let's not talk about the end yet because its not the end yet! So yeah. Enjoy. Sorry it's not the best. SORRY IT'S SO SHORT!!!!!! I just really wanted to update and its crappy and bad but heyi I updated right? About 3 chapters left!!!
Dear Diary,
Well I guess I can't really call you a diary...your more like a book of ?thoughts and pictures and quotes. But whatever helps you sleep at night....even though you are not real. Wow. I know what you are thinking "Wow...Talking to your diary now are ya?" Well if you knew what I was going through right now, you would understand why I am really stressed and nervous and scared an afraid. But since my hand is already starting to cramp, I will just summarize or run through every thing that has happened in the past weeks.
•1st thing -Austin has released his new single "Say you're just a friend" and has been receiving A BUTT LOAD of more attention by the media. I mean he gets like interview after show after live show after interview. But I mean its his life, his dream I guess.
• 2nd thing - I don't know how much longer I can fight these feelings. I know, I know. I had the perfect opportunity a couple weeks back, but you wouldn't understand. I just couldn't. After all that time not seeing him and building this wall up only to have him slowly tear it down, brick by brick. Everything he does makes my heart flutter. Even if its the simplest things like laughing at a joke, cracking a goofy smile , or just talking to me, complimenting me, helping me. It's always the little things that make a big difference. They make me like him even more than I do. Which I don't even know if that is possible.
3rd thing - Alex has another girlfriend. The last one didn't last all but maybe one week. This girl is good for him though. Her name is Rushali! It is so unique! I like it. She's so sweet and caring. She was shy at first then you get to know her and one simple question she could give you a speech. Even though she is a chatterbox she doesn't make moments awkward. So that's always good. She also has a really good fashion sense. Oh yeah. And Tate got a boyfriend! GUESS WHO IT IS. GUESS. XANDER. YEAH. same here, my jaw was like on the floor the first time she told me. So here I am. Forever Alone.
•4th thing - I've realized to let go of the past, and focus on the future. We can't change the past, but we can choose the future. Every act you do affects the future in some possible way. Thanks you Kung Fu Panda for teaching me how to be wise. I love that movie.
•5th thing -I have become obsessed with Mutant Ninja Turtles.
So that pretty much sums up all that's been happening. Even though I left some stuff out, they were just minors so don't worry. But then again you are a diary.....so.....you can't really worry....but we can pretend. Alright, I gotta run. Austin wants me to do to a twit cam or live stream video with him. Shut up. Don't give me that look. I don't need this. Anyways, he is knocking on my door! If I keep him waiting any longer, he might just break it down! Alright, bye!!!
With Love,
Your only writer,
P.s. I hope nobody reads this. That would be super embarrassing.and if someone reads this I hope your happy you welcomed yourself into my room, searched for what you were looking for without asking, and reading what is mine. I hope your life is complete now that you know whatever you wanted to know. Congratulations. Just don't tell anyone. Of you do I will stick your head right up your ass. I will. Don't doubt me.
Closing my diary, I tucked the pen inside the page and shoves it into my pillow case. Running my hands through my newly straightened hair thanks to Tate, I jumped off my bed and straightened out my yoga pants.
"Austin!! Stop banging on my door! You might break it down!!"
I heard him chuckle.
"Corrction. It's not your door technically." He replied sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes, "we'll if we are being technical, it's not your either."
" well,well, well. Look who had a bowl of sarcasm for breakfast." I could almost see him rolling his eyes.
I shook my head and laughed.
"Wynnnnn!" He complained, still pounding on the door.
"Auuuuustinnnnnnnn!" I mocked.
"Dont mock me woman. Just get your butt out of the room and come on. Im sure you look fine the way you are! You always do!
A blush erupted into my cheeks and I rolled my eyes. Dang you Austin Mahone.
"Hold your horses, I'm coming, I'm coming."
Sliding a random sweatshirt I found in the dresser drawer, I opened the door at full force and smacked right into the man of the hour.
I know, I know. You are probably think of about a million ways to murder me right now. Hahaha I'm sorry!!! Want more? Can I get at least maybe 15 votes? And 5 comments? Also please check out my one direction fan fic called "And were live in 3...2...1" please! Can I get at least like 100 reads on that? Thanks! I love you all!!!

My Solemn Pact (Austin Mahone Story)
FanfictionHoly fuck I wrote this in like seventh grade and I'm so ashamed of it now lmao I am keeping it up for the sole purpose of something to look back at and laugh my ass off how did people even read this shit it is so badly written and filled with gramma...