HEYYYYYYY SEXY LADY!! hahha. Well that's if you are a lady. If you a guy, well..hey bro. Haha if your a gangster, sup bruh how you doin? West coast! yeah buddy! Spanish? Hola! And imma stop there cause I'm to lazy to say everyone that's going through my head. But my nuggets-I love you. Like for real. You guys are awesome. I have more reads than I ever had ad I literally feel like crying. This is just to great. I am like shdiduehdbfjcjifie. Holy crap. Hehe. Anyways. Happy Sunday! See! I'm sticking to my update plan! I'm doing good! Haha. So. I'm writing this, while my sister is curling my hair.... I'm just a little lazy right now because I am watching X Factor and One Direction is on and yeah. Have I mentioned I have a slight obsession with them? Hahahah well I mean like y'all cane have your own opinions and I will have mine. But what's important is that WE ALL LOVE AUSTIN! PROUND MAHOMIES! hehe. So funny story. I was walking down the street with one of. My friends.. And I see this wel no offense overweight man in one of those like riding machines that old people use? Where it like a mini scooter? Yeah? No? Anyways. But it was hilarious because he was eating two hamburgers from McDonald's and a large fry. MURICA.
Hahah Kay story done. Kay. And we all read on okayyy. Haha sorry tht was bad. It's from float on... Hahahaha the song. "And we'll all float on okay" hahaa yeah. Kay. Read away my nuggets. Vote fan and comment! I'm a little confused because I have a lot of readers but only like two people comment an I'm like.. Is my story that bad? Is it that awful only two people vote or comment?
"Why am I so stupid?" I moaned., falling back onto my bed. In my head I was smacking myself over and over and over again.
"Why did I say okay? Why did I let my heart choose what I wanted instead of my brain? I'm completely going against all that i am standing for." I thought.
"Knock knock" a voice from the door spoke.
I jumped.
"Who's there?"
"Tate!" She yelled.
I was silent."tate?"
"... How long hav you been standing there??" I questioned, hoping she hadn't heard my rant.
"Long enough to know that you are going out to dinner with Austin and

My Solemn Pact (Austin Mahone Story)
Fiksi PenggemarHoly fuck I wrote this in like seventh grade and I'm so ashamed of it now lmao I am keeping it up for the sole purpose of something to look back at and laugh my ass off how did people even read this shit it is so badly written and filled with gramma...