Hey everybody

1.1K 21 1

(Please excuse me if my grammar is off. )

Hello everyone.


That was very formal of me.

Okay so first off,


I know many of you want to right now because of my absence but have no fear. I AM BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER.

My explanation is pretty shitty but nonetheless you guys deserve one I mean I left this book with like 16K views and now over 24K? Like HOLY SHIT I LOVE YOU GUYS. *coughs* anyways. Back to business. Where were we? Ah yes. My explanation.

1) School was eating me alive. I was failing classes left and right and I really needed to get my game face on. And so I had to rid of al distractions. And one was wattpad. But I ended up with all B's and A's!!! And it's finally summer!!!

2) Many family deaths had occurred in a very short amount of time. My uncle had passed, my grandmother, my niece, and my grandfather. No one should ever have that happen to them, at least in the span of six months but I did. And you can hopefully see why I left. My family needed me and I needed them. And don't worry you guys are my family, but you know what I mean.

3) I lost it. No I didn't go all crazy and a-wall up in here. Haha no, I just lost motivation for my writings. I lost my ideas. Everything. I just didnt even know why I still had my account. But then I logged back in one day an bam. Messages upon messages from you guys. And I love each and every one of you all that sent me messages and even those who didnt.

[Alright I'm gonna stop using numbers now.]

But I would just like to say one huge sorry. I wish I could send you all like fruit baskets or candy baskets and hug every single one if you all for bearing with me. And you truly have. So with that saying, and new chapter will be out in about a week. And if it's not, I'll probably jump off a cliff. JKAY. You guys should just like message me and be like "yo bitch. Where you be at?" So with that said, thank you all once again. Love you all!i


^see what I did there? No? You sure?



I'll just be going now.

(Totally unrelated but can as many of you as possible go like the Instagram account i_wish_1direction for me? A close friend of mine owns that and they want to make it bigger! So thank you to all who do it!!)

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