chapter 7

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Ashton gets up and stands next to Calum.

"Hey hey. You're right. Luke was wrong for automatically assuming. He should find out her side first". He looks to Luke. "Right Luke?"

"Yes I'm sorry." He says studying me.

I look to him. "Good" I whisper.

As if it couldn't have been perfect timing, I see my sister standing at the door- shocked.

She walks in and heads straight for me. She pulls me in a tight hug and asks me a ton of questions, completely ignoring everyone else in the room.

"Did you eat"
"Finish all your homework?"
"How are you feeling?"

I pull back and look at her. "Yes Ri I ate and I'm feeling better"

This immediately catches all the doctors in the room's attention. Calum speaks first.

"Feeling better? Alayna you didn't say you were feeling sick."

"I had a migraine after school- that's all." While leaning my head on my sister's chest, exhausted.

"Yeah a migraine and a slight fever. Gosh I'm sorry I should've stayed home..." she continued to ramble and look at me.

She pulled back and pressed her hand to my neck and forehead. "Are you're feeling okay love? you still feel a bit warm."

Luke gets up and walks over to us. He gently placed his hand on my forehead and then walks into the hallway. He comes back moments later with a thermometer and stands in front of me.

"Place it under your tongue" he says gently, shocking both my sister and I.

As he holds the thermometer, everyone waits silently for the results.


He looks down at it and reads "101.1"

Ri looks at me " Holy crap Layna! That's not a slight fever at all!

I immediately start tearing up. Not only is it super late but I'm also exhausted. I just want to go home.

She sees and immediately hugs me. "Shhh it's okay love, we're going to help you feel better" she says as she's gently swaying back and forth.

Luke turns to Calum. "Do you think you can do an emergency sick visit?

Calum looks up from his laptop.
"Room 3 is already open" he stands up and walks over to us. He bends down a bit and whispers with a sad smile

"Let's find out what's wrong sweetheart"

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