chapter 43

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Fuming. I was fuming. I knew Katy a while back. She was a model and a gold digger. She's absolutely disgusting. That was another reason why my friendship with Luke diminished. Because she was still apart of their "crew." She was a fake and conniving bitch. But when I called her out on it, the boys all defended her.

Screw that. They're not getting away with this.

I called my buddy who worked at the new restaurant on the water. Actually, he's the manager. One of my old buds from high school.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

"Hey bro, what's up?"

"Nothing much, you good?" he asked.

"Nah I need a favor."

"What's up?"

"I need to know if some people are there still?"

"Yeah sure who?"

"Luke and his crew from high school"

"Yeah they're here still."

"Cool, thanks man, I appreciate it."

"Anytime bro, you need help?"

"Nah I'm good, I'll check you out after"

"Alright buddy."

I hung the phone up. After we ate ice cream Alayna and Rina left. I made sure they were home and I headed to the restaurant.

I parked and walked in. I saw my buddy.

"Hey bro" he said as he gave me a bro hug.

"What's up man, thank you so much."

"Nah it's nothing. You got me if you need me" He said as he waved it off.

I thanked him and hugged him.

I saw them and made my way to them.

There were two empty seats which I assume were Rina's and Alayna's. I walked up and sat on one of them.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" I said enthusiastically.

"U-uh hi!" they said suspiciously.

"How's it going?" I asked them.

"Um good?" Luke said.

"That's good" I said nodding my head.

"How come you guys have two extra seats?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed. I was gonna play stupid.

"Oh well actually Alayna and Rina were here but they left." Answered Ashton.

"Ohh really? Wow, why'd they leave?" I asked stupidly

"There was a bit of an argument, but everything's okay now."

"Oh really? Is it? Are you sure?"


"Yeah that's what I thought. Because the tears on my sister's face didn't seem like it was okay." I said menacingly.

I looked over to Katy. "Hi sweetheart, I'd call yourself an Uber home. I need to have a word with these guys."

"I'm not a child." she said kinda scared. I'd never lay my hands on a woman, much less that she-devil. Hopefully she gets the message.

She got up and left.

I looked to Luke. "What did I tell you when you first started pursuing my sister?" I asked him and a calm, deathly tone.

"Hey hey, before you start interrogating, give us a chance to explain." said Calum.

I looked to Calum. "Last time I checked, I wasn't talking to you. So kindly go back to eating your food."

"Her and Katy didn't get along too well." He said trying to make his case.

"Oh really? Because from what I heard, Katy was a total bitch from the beginning."

I looked over to all of them. "And you guys tolerating her treating Alayna like that? Seriously?" I said lividly.

I don't want anyone laying hands on my baby sister.

"Not acceptable" I said shaking my head.

"I get it she's your "friend" or however you wanna call it. But my sisters won't be a part of that shit." I clarified.

"You need to apologize to her. I don't care what happens after, you need to apologize." I said with no room for disagreement.

"I'm sorry for Katy's actions. I'll be sure to discuss it with her." Calum said.

"Yeah, do that. And my sisters won't be around her."

"Liam she's my girlfriend." He said angrily.

"And not a fuck was given." I said right back.

"If you feel content with her- so be it. However, my sisters won't pay the price."

"Listen mate-" Ashton began.

"No hun, I'm not your mate" I said disgustingly.

"Listen Liam. We didn't want any trouble. Clearly both sides had a disagreement. Maybe we can work through this with them and come to an agreement." he said calmly.

"This isn't a fucking peace treaty." I yelled.

"You know what? Let me clarify it for you guys. You're going to apologize. Katy should too. End of story."


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