chapter 17

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The phone rung for a good 20 seconds before he answered.


My breath got stuck in my throat.


"Carina? Is that you?"

"Uhh- yeah it is."

He immediately threw me a ton of questions.

"How are you? How have you been? How's Alayna? She's probably so big now."

Gosh maybe we are related after all.

"Hi I'm good and she is too. Why are you reaching out to us now?"

"To be honest, I saw your name on the guest list at the cardio conference next weekend. I couldn't believe it was you. I decided to reach out and check on you guys. I've been thinking a lot. I know it's been tough but I want to be a part of your lives."

What the hec.

"Yeah I'm not sure if I'm still going next weekend. I have no one to watch Layna and I don't want to leave her home alone."

" Oh right no she's way too young to stay home alone. Well I'm coming to your hospital on Monday to do a spotlight surgery. I hope to see you then at least?"

"Yeah hopefully."

"Nice talking to you Ri."

"You to Li."

Granted we never really had a relationship, we still had nicknames for each other.

I got off and started crying. Why? I'm not sure. He hasn't been there for us at all. He hasn't wiped Layna's tears. He hasn't been there when I got my first bf. He hasn't supported us. But at the end of the day- he's still my blood. Would it be such a bad thing to build a relationship? Or am I making a mistake.

I walked out to meet Layna in the hallway. I had to tell her.

"Hey Lay, can we talk for a sec?"

She looked at me confused. "Yeah sure."

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