chapter 49

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Rina's expression left me heartbroken. I hated seeing her so hurt.

The truth was that we aren't too fond of Katy. Ever since she began her modeling/ influencer career, she's turned into a completely different person. She used to be such a nice girl- and I'm not sure what happened.

I hated seeing Alayna and Rina so sad. We didn't want them to go. Things are just too complicated and we all have to talk.

Katy had left not too long after Rina & Alayna, claiming she needed "rest" for her photo shoot tomorrow.

I looked up to where the boys and I sat on the couch. All of us decided to sit on the couch to talk it out.

"Cal, man you have got to make a decision." I told him sadly.

He nodded. He too knew how toxic in a relationship he was but didn't want to admit it. Don't get me wrong, it started off well, but progressively got worse for the both of them.

"I'm sorry boys." He told us sadly. "It was just hard for me to let go" he said looking down and shaking his head with tears in his eyes.

I patted him on the back. "It's okay, your feelings are completely valid. We understand the kind of relationship you were in and we don't want to see you hurt. But there comes a time where you have to want better for yourself, and now is it." I told him softly.

He nodded. "You're right. I have to make amends. I'm going to talk with her when u get my thoughts together." He told us.

We all nodded. "Take your time brother."

a few days later...

I woke up and got ready for work. I packed my lunch and a lunch for Alayna. She wouldn't be going to school today as her eye and cheek is still completely bruised. Makeup wasn't helping at the least, so I caved when she begged me to skip today.

We soon made our way to the hospital and to the on call room. Since it was the end of the year, she didn't have a ton of assignments but rather a lot of studying to do. She got cozy on one of the couches and took out her laptop. I went to the freezer to grab another ice pack and place it on her face.

"Keep it there, it should reduce the swelling" I told her softly and kissed her on the forehead.

Tears welled in her eyes. "I hate this. I look worse than a drunk raccoon." She said in a wobbly voice.

I nodded. "I know, and I'm sorry love. Regardless you're still a beautiful princess." I told her as I held her face in my hands and looked to her.

She hugged me back. I grabbed my laptop and sat next to her on the couch. Seconds later, all of my co-interns and attendings (the boys) walked in and sat around the conference table.

All of them gave us weird looks, mainly focusing on Alayna's bruised face.

Calum came to us and bent down towards Alayna. He spoke in a soft tone so only we could hear.

"Alayna, I'm really sorry about what happened on Friday. What Katy did was completely wrong and I'm sorry I didn't stand up for you then." He told her solemnly.

She contemplated for a second and soon a small smile appeared on her face. She got up to hug him. He sighed a bit of relief and hugged her back tightly.

"It's okay, I forgive you. Just not the bitch" she told him.

He nodded, grateful.

He pulled back and placed both hands on each side of her face, gently examining the damage.

"How have you been feeling? Any dizziness, soreness, or headaches?" He asked clinically.

"I've still been a little dizzy and sore but that's it." she replied with a small smile.

He nodded. "Its okay, I'm going to prescribe you a pain reliever and something to reduce the swelling. Keep icing it and relax"

"Yes doc" she laughed out.

He looked over to me. "After the morning meeting, we all have to talk." He told me guiltily.

I nodded. We did.

A long awaited conversation.

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