chapter 48

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"You need to apologize to my sister. Now." I told her while seething.

"I already did. And besides it was an accident." She told us as she stood up.

She came in my face and started to yell at me.

"You need to shut up and sit down and let her figure out her own problems. Stop babying her. She's almost an adult." She screamed in my face.

"And besides, things were going well before you two showed up. Ever since you guys came, there's been tension and problems. Why can't you guys just go do your own thing and leave us alone. It was good without you!" She told us.

Tears immediately formed in my eyes. I looked over and saw all the guys and Alayna looking at us.

I shook my head and looked to the guys with tears in my eyes. "I can't do this anymore. I tried and gave her another chance and look where that left us. I tried to be nice and open-minded but this girl will not change. I won't be around a place where I feel uncomfortable."

Calum spoke up. "You guys just have your issues and you can work it out" he said trying to diffuse the situation.

I shook my head. "No you have an issue that you need to think long and hard about to solve." I told him with my chin held high.

I would never understand why he's dating a rude person.

"Please you're just a charity case. The boys just felt bad after you got sick and shit." she sneered with an evil grin on her face.

My heart shattered. That deep feeling in your stomach when you're about to break down, it was there.

"I-is- that true? I asked as I looked to them. The boys said nothing but all wore guilty expressions on their face.

I nodded and smiled sadly. I looked to Alayna on the couch with her bruised face, making my stomach churn even more. I held my hand out for her and she took it.

"It's okay, I understand, let's go Alayna" I told her. We both grabbed our bags and made our way out to the car before they could stop us.

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