chapter 50

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All of the boys sat around the couches in the lounge. Alayna sat next to me.

"We want to start of by apologizing for everything. We're so sorry for bringing Katy around and taking her side and not standing up for you guys. We're also really sorry about the bruise Katy caused. I want to let you know that I decided to end things with her. Not only for the way she acted with you guys, but simply because our relationship was too toxic as well. It took me long enough to realize that it wasn't healthy and it started to affect my other relationships and friendships. Calum said solemnly.

"The decision to let go was a mutual one. Hopefully we can both find our ways. For right now, I want to appreciate what I already have with my mates, as well as you guys" he continued.

"If you give us the chance, we promise to make it worthwhile. We will try not to let you guys down again and hopefully we can continue our friendship." said Ashton.

"Agreed" said Michael

"We mean it. We want you in our lives and we're sorry we ever compromised that" said Luke.

I looked over to them. I nodded. After everything that's happened, they took the responsibility and apologized. That's all I can ask for. It takes immense human character to do that, and I'm grateful they did. I gave them a small smile.

"I appreciate everything guys, really. I'm past everything, and I hope we can move forward in the future." I told them with a smile.

Michael nodded and smiled like the Cheshire Cat. "Oh, someone definitely wants to move fowsrd in the futureee" he sang out.

All the boys but Luke started laughing.

"Huh?" I asked confused. He looked over to Luke who was beet red and wide eyed.

"Luke misses you" Michael blurred out.

I smiled. I got up and walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"It's okay because I missed him too." I said as I looked into his eyes. and gave him a small smile.

He began to blush.

"Luke and Rina sitting in a tree..." Michael sang out happily

"K-I-S-S...." He began to sang.

"Micheal Gordon Clifford, don't you dare finish that sentence." Luke said with a serious face, but failing miserably.

We all started laughing uncontrollably. Ashton and Alayna both looked like they were about to cry from laughing so hard.

I'm so happy everything's okay now.

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