|| 19 ||

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A/N: Got my second vaccine, and fell sick. So I had a break. I was going to post a few days before, but you know...

"Would those frescoes remind you of anything?" Albedo asked. The three observed the paintings in the chambers, where there should have something in the middle of the platform.

Dainsleif kept quiet while observing the other paintings.

Y/N and Albedo were looking at the one painting of the god, who seemed to be presenting something to the people.

There were so many possibilities of what may have happened. There was too many, which made it hard to pinpoint on what it could be.

"I'll return once you've given birth to your child, priestess."

"And if you may bestow your blessings, please watch over my child, for me."

"Beware, however. I'm not a god known to keep my word without precision of descriptions. And I act on my own...
Priestess. If you do so wish, then I shall. But my own way. But what makes you presume I'll actually tolerate your child, then hate it. And begin to bury them 10 feet under my foot?"

"Feel free to. It's your judgment for I will not be in her life."

"So you'll let me bury a brat 10 feet under?"

"I only said for you to do as you feel because I know she'll be tolerable. You'll come to like her. Because she's my child." The woman smiled. The goddess bewildered— from the old friend's cockiness. But that's what kept her from abandoning Sal Vyndagnyr, for the sake of an old friend. And now the old friend's child.

"Y/N?" Albedo called, snapping her from her trance. When she looked around she saw Dainsleif towering over her, with a face of confusion, and slight concern.

"Are you alright?" The taller blonde man inquired, questionably. And Y/N could only awkwardly spin in a circle to try and face the two men.

"Yeah." She stopped. "I'm alright..." She trailed off again. As if that was the most convincing. Because only the stupidest characters would believe that, and those two were not them.

"You seemed the most bothered since we came here. It's been bothering me." Albedo's voice fell to a much gentler kind.

"Would it be weird if I just keep randomly remembering— or seeing and hearing things? Similar to a playback." She gestured slightly.

"Flashback?" Albedo asked again. "You're having those?"

"I have quite the interesting theory. But it may sound oblivious." Dainsleif spoke up.

"Do tell." Y/N replied.

"Those would be memories. And those memories would be of either someone else's, or perhaps— your own."

"So I'm just suddenly becoming enlightened by previous events that I can't remember and now are suddenly coming back to me?" Y/N asked again. And Albedo seemed to slightly nod his head, as the theory seemed quite convincing.

"If you listened to how I said my words, then yes." Dainsleif. "Another thing— have you ever in your flashbacks heard 'Amerie?' Or Khaenri'ah?"

Y/N's eyes widened in realization, and looked back up at Dainsleif.

"How'd you know?"

He looked more shocked than she was. And Albedo was oddly keeping up.

"I've heard your name before too. And every time I was in the point of view of somebody."

"Are you, suggesting Y/N might have memories of someone from the past years ago? And multiple?" Albedo turned to Dainsleif, who gave an unreadable expression. And which was similar to how Albedo would show.

"Not just memories. But maybe the memories are her own." Dainsleif said again.

"You two are strangely getting along." Y/N said from the side, and walked out of the vault. Looking around the snowy mountains.

'I saw this view where there was less... snow. And more like the main parts of Mondstadt.' Y/N thought.

She heard a whirl sound come towards her from behind, and she barely dodged it. As it was impaled into a nearby tree.

Fatui agent knives. And three cicin mage weird pesky flies. There were at least 2 more copies of each.

Y/N jumped back into the vault, not wanting to deal with them. As Albedo and Dainsleif looked at her weirdly.

"The fatui— again—" Y/N muttered out. "Don't poke your heads out."

But they did just that, and took a peak to see two fatuis right outside, a few feet away.

"Are they after you like last time?" Albedo asked.

"They seemed to more like, come to kill me. But missed on purpose. And a terrible scared bluff." Y/N narrowed her eyes at the door, as they were all huddled together. As the vault doors were shut, and would not open so easily. She looked at the two.

"Don't look at me, like that." She sighed. But had on a smirk. "They don't know who they're dealing with. Because I'm not known for dying on a battlefield that involves me."

"You don't expect us to just watch you defeat them all on your own, do you?" Dainsleif asked first. As he gave Albedo a side glance.

"Because then where do we get the pleasure of showing off?" Albedo had on his smug face. As Y/N rolled her eyes.

"Albedo. If you keep acting cocky, then I'll have to shove defeat right down your throat." She replied again.

Albedo rose an eyebrow, in a playful way. "By you, personally? That's making me contradict with the fact that I do not want that to happen. But I still find it quite curious."

Y/N almost felt like pulling on his golden locks, from how much he's playing with her.

And so she did, but a gentle tug because she liked his hair.

"Would you two be bothered if I had a head start?" Dainsleif finally spoke up, as he sauntered towards the vault doors.

"We would." They said with perfect unison.

And Dainsleif gestured to the door slightly.

"Then please, do the honors of starting the massacre." Was what he said, before he could close the doors right after he opened them— letting them out.

A/N: I reeeaaalllllyyyyy wanted to make Albedo say, "The only problem with this theory is thAT ITS FUCKING WRONG!" But, well I had no where to put it. So I put it here.

And pls don't attack me for leaving a lot of cliff hangers. Jkjkjk

I'm pretty proud of myself for writing this chapter because I was able to write really smoothly. I had a brain dump.

But be aware. I loooooooove suddenly dumping spicy flirt dialogues and scenes on you guys. The reactions are just *chefs kiss* Because I may be teasing you guys a little bit.

I also noticed I got 69k reads. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So I'll give you a warm welcome instead...


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