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Albedo managed to get better again, and had to get back to working in his lab.

Y/N was back at the Adventurer's Guild doin more dangerous commissions again. Some included going into some domains.

"Hi Miss Y/N!" A cheery voice, and warm like a million sun rays shone down on her. Was that an exaggeration? But Y/N enjoyed their company.

"Bennett. It's nice to see you again. Are your injuries healed?"

"Yup! Barbara from the Favonius cathedral healed me again. Heheh." He rubbed the back of his head, sheepishly.

Y/N and Bennett like to go on adventures together, and she's officially, yet non-officially a part of 'Benny's Adventure Team.' He claims there are people in the team already, and has a limit. But they were absent, and she was the only one who didn't face any bad luck around Bennett. Which made her a special case.

"Where are we going today?" She asked, keeping her calm composure while he jumped around excited, leading the way.

"We're going to go invite Razor with us! He mentioned how I've never introduced the two of you in person yet. So I decided to go on an adventure with the both of you!" Bennett, chuckled to himself. As Y/N followed behind him, walking into Wolvendom.

Y/N had to get some wolfhooks for some people at Dawn Winery since apparently they were too scared of wolves.

Eventually, once she's been in the guild for a while, she's met with Bennett for a few times.

One, he had been trapped in a domain and she managed to find him trapped inside.

Two, he got lost in some old ruins, and she had to undo everything.

Three, he almost fell into the lake, trying to grab his bag, and she caught him by the back of his shirt collar.

Four, Y/N caught him when he had fallen off a cliff. And slid to catch the boy in her arms, quickly.

Every time Bennett faces unlucky situations, Y/N always seems to show up and save him. Which was odd. Either she was always there at the right times, or he was actually pretty lucky whenever he faces the most dangerous situations. After that, he approached her when he saw her talking to Albedo in Mondstadt, and started to sort of follow her like a puppy.

Y/N was weak to cute things... Bennett was one of them.

"We're here! Oh look! There's Razor right over there!" He pointed to a boy, with a hood over his head. Surrounded by wolves.

Razor noticed them, and sauntered over, as Bennett sprinted over to the wolf boy, the most cheerfully. And Razor had a small blush of happiness across his cheeks. Having someone so happy to see you seemed great.

Bennett was a sweet kid. Y/N admitted. She wouldn't like for him to get hurt, and maybe blame himself. But he still had a strong mentality, and was always able to keep going forward, despite his born unluckiness.

Y/N's been told once, there will always be somebody there who would feel joy to see you. No matter where you are. She was never able to remember who told her such words, however.

Y/N had a small smile adorning her small face again. She's been able to feel emotions ever since she's come to the land of freedom.

Mondstadt. Definitely gives off the feeling of a hometown, and welcoming.

Razor stared at Y/N with an indescribable expression. And she stared right back, confused. But tried not to be so intimidating, if possible. And started to feel more uncomfortable with each second he stared.

"Miss... kind..."

"Huh?" Bennett and Y/N both asked.

"She saved... lupical."

"Lupical?" Y/N asked him, and he nodded. Looking at the smallest pup that sat in front of her legs.

Y/N almost broke down, from the small floofy creature in front of her. She saw the small cut on its ear, and remembered she tended the wolf. She's gone everywhere, so she'll see everything.

Bennett had a great idea.

To go to Dragonspine...

They faced the area. Bennett stood in front of the group, putting his hands on his hips. Chin up, looking excited. Then pumped up a fist.

"Let's go!"

Razor and Y/N glanced at each other, then back at the pyro boy in front of them.

"Y/N?" Another voice was called. Much more mature. A lot more mature than the two younger ones in front of her.

'Don't tell me that's—'

"... Mr. Chief Alchemist. What a joy to see you again." She said slight sarcastic. But didn't mean it.

"No more, 'Albedo?'" He asked, a little teasingly.

"Mr. Albedo! Hi!" Bennett's joyful voice, made Albedo look at him. And then back at Y/N, after glancing at Razor. And stared at the odd group of people.

"What are you three doing over here? It's cold." Albedo said again.

"That's the point! Worth adventuring!" Bennett claimed.

"It's quite dangerous up there." Albedo stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, snuggling into the coat to warm his face and neck up.

"We know that. But Bennett wanted to come." Y/N couldn't say no to Bennett.

Albedo was surprised to see Y/N actually participate, or be involved with other people. Let alone Bennett. And he hid his smile behind the jacket zipper.

"Mind if I join?"

"Of course! The more the merrier! But sorry if my bad luck effects you..."

"Bennett, didn't I say I could try to make a potion to prevent you from the bad luck? All I need to do, is experiment." Albedo reasoned, walking up next to Y/N.

Bennett profusely shook his head, clinging to Razor for dear life. While the wolf boy could only wrap an arm around his shoulder to try and make him feel protected, at least.

"That doesn't sound very likely, and safe." Y/N folded her arms in front of her. Feeling the fabric of her jacket rub against her skin. Bennett had a jacket that surprisingly Diluc had let him borrow.

Y/N doesn't want to meet Diluc. He seems to be a more hostile person, and hates the Fatui. Even if she is an ex-harbinger, he would probably still glare at her.

"It's to be safe." Albedo calmly replied back. And Y/N irked at his thick headed mind.

"That very experiment doesn't seem safe." She quickly brought her voice to a smaller volume. "And you don't know what might happen if his bad luck stirs."

Albedo's front hair flew past his eyes, but at a length of hiding his eyebrows.

Y/N had the least clothing, aside from Albedo.

"Let's head in!" Bennett sprinted into the area, as Razor trailed behind the boy. And it seemed like Albedo and Y/N were babysitting them.

"Don't run right in!" Y/N yelled, jogging after them. And seeing Y/N run, Albedo chased after.

A/N: Hi, sorry for slow updates lately. I'm sad to say, I'll be on a mini hiatus. I haven't been able to come up with a lot of ideas. THIS BOOK WILL NOT BE DISCONTINUED. So you don't have to worry. Just a smaller break, either for a week or a little over a week. Anywho, see you later!!

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