|| 23 ||

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"Aw fuck."

"You shouldn't say that." Y/N turned her head, to wherever she heard the voice. Squinting her eyes trying to get her eyesight to return, trying to ignore the splitting headache she's having, making her want to unscrew her head.

"Klee...!" She nearly fell off of the warm bed she was in. "Wait. Where am I?"

"You're in our house!"

"Who's bed is this?"

"Big brother's!" Klee cheered.

Taking a few seconds to get that into her head, she immediately looked at the open space behind her on the bed. And sighed of relief that they weren't sleeping in the same bed.

"Then where did Albedo sleep?"

"He didn't."

Y/N should've known. That man doesn't sleep much, does he?

"Is he here?"

"Nope!" Klee answered quick and short. As she brought a tray of breakfast out. As if to distract her from the topic.

"Then who made that?"

"I did." A new voice came, and he was the last person she wanted to see.

"Kaeya? Again?"

"What do you mean again?" He asked upset.

"You showed up last time when Albedo wasn't able to show up."

"That's just a coincidence that I found Klee by the lake. I thought she was there to blow up the fish, but I was wrong." He shrugged, and walked right back out of the door.

Y/N looked at his retreating figure oddly.

'He's not gonna say anything more?' Not that she cared...

Klee stayed next to Y/N while she finished her food. Mostly about how Razor helped her hunt some boar in the woods. And how it mostly smelled like bombs and smoke.

Klee put a hand over Y/N's forehead.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just checking if Miss has a fever, just in case."

"Why?" Y/N swung her legs off the bed, sitting up straight.

"Because Miss had an oddly red face after I said you were in big brother Albedo's bed."

Y/N put a hand on her cheeks, they felt awfully warm. And she didn't realize it.

What was wrong with her, I wonder?

"I don't think she's sick, Klee. I think she's just having a few thoughts." Kaeya said as he poked his head through the doorframe.

Y/N threw a small icicle towards him, but he blocked with his own shield of ice.

"Kaeya.. you—!" Y/N attempted to lunge at him, only to be stopped by Klee.

"Miss! No fighting in the house! Big brother doesn't like the room to be an entire mess! Got it?" Klee huffed as she placed her small petite hands on her hips, as Y/N obediently set her hands to her side.

"Yes ma'm..." She mumbled. Well, she really couldn't just deny the fact that Klee angry was cute. No, adorable.

Kaeya stuck out his tongue like an immature brat.

"Kaeya too! No upsetting Miss!"

"Yes ma'm..." His smaller voice said.

Y/N stuck out her tongue a little just enough barely so Klee wouldn't notice, and had her straight face.

Since when did Klee become so strict?

They all sat at the couch, an awkward silence upon them. Klee got up and started to rummage through the cabinets. And brought a box of cookies.

Kaeya and Y/N stared at her oddly. They haven't patched up their shaky friendship back together yet, but that was exactly what Klee planned on doing.

She put a large cookie in Y/N's hand.

"What's the cookie for, Klee?" Kaeya asked first.

"It's the makeup cookie. You're supposed to share it with Kaeya." Klee said as a, matter-of-fact way.

"Can't he just get his own cookie?"

"No!" Klee yelled, making the older two flinch.

Kaeya awkwardly looked at her hand that held the cookie. And had a hand out.

"Can I get a cookie?" Y/N rose an eyebrow at him. And glanced over at Klee who was staring daggers at her.

"...fine." She broke it in half, and handed it to him. While her own in her mouth rolling her eyes, as she saw Kaeya's happy face.

"I knew you couldn't resist me."

"Shut up."

A/N: This was just a short filler chapter. I was planning on writing a bit more, but I figured I should put that in the next chapter. Don't worry! I have it al planned this time, so I should be able to post another chapter in 1-2 days!

This chapter will mainly talk about Li Xiu, which somehow connects with Xiwangmu and her village. Who is also the past life of Y/N.

So please forgive me with this Klee and Kaeya moment. :)

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