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It was a rather normal evening at Hogwarts right now, students were all gathered in the great hall due to the fact that it was now dinner time. The enchanted ceiling which was lighted by candles showed a memorizing sky with stars plastered all over it, and clouds faintly noticeable.  

The students of Hogwarts were all normally eating their suppers, pastries, and puddings thinking of this night to only be a normal one. For instance, at the Gryffindor table there were four boys who were all sat together. One with messy curly and jet black hair, and round circular glasses on his face, that was James Potter, he was spending this part of dinner making love eyes at a certain red head while playing with his spaghetti. 

To the right of James sat a boy with shoulder length black hair with a slight smell of expensive cologne lingering on him, he was Sirius Black, the "playboy" of the school who was struggling to get the attention of the boy in front of him. In front of Sirius was Remus Lupin, a tall lanky boy with faint scars tattered all over his body, he was multitasking at the current moment by eating his mash potatoes, trying to read his book and also trying to ignore Sirius complaining about how no one has complimented his new hairstyle. Lastly, to the left of Remus, in front of James, was Peter Pettigrew. A pudgy boy who was listening intently to Sirius and counting in his head how long it took James to stop staring at green eyed red head, Lily Evans. He was currently at 1 minute and 32 seconds. 

All was an average night for everyone there, until the sound of the great hall doors opening and some muffled talking. 

Everyones attention went straight to the doors, two slightly older concerned looking parents were searching the Gryffindor table for their two kids and their friends. "Boys what did you do that was so bad that me and your father were called to come up to the school?" Euphemia Potter was asking rather worriedly at her James and Sirius, some snickers were heard in the hall. "Nothing honestly mum, why are you here" James exclaimed with Sirius nodding with him. 

From afar there was a 5th year Slytherin with the same eyes as Sirius just looking down at the sight of his 'brother' and his new family. However this action had went unnoticed by almost all, as everyone had turned their heads to see who else had walked through the door. 

At the sight, Sirius had groaned in annoyance while his brother, Regulus, had straightened up his poster due to the people standing at the opposite side of the hall. Who was seen was the Blacks; Orion and Walburga, the Malfoy's; Lucious and Narcissa, the Lestrange's; Rodolphus and Bellatrix, and the Tonks; Ted, Andromeda, and their young daughter Nymphadora. "Bloody hell I didn't know Hogwarts was holding a family reunion." Sirius muttered to his friends. 

"You wouldn't be apart of it even if this was a reunion Sirius." Walburga coldly said to the boy that was once her son. "May I ask why we are here Albus?" Amelia Bones (head of the Magical Laws department), the question made everyone stare at the headmaster and wait for his reply.  Stepping out from the back came Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mad-eye Moody, and Arthur and Molly Weasley with little Bill and Charlie Weasley. 

Before the headmaster could even answer the question another similar loud popping noise came from the end of the great hall, similar to the one before. 

"Oi! Get off my shoes, they're new!" 

"Move your fat head Gin!" 

"My fat head! Have you seen yours! And Ronnykins and you please reframe from putting your arm pit right on my nose!" 

"Stop calling me that you Ginevra!" 

"Can the both of you stop bickering for a minute, I need to straighten up my hair." The girl who stood probably no taller than 5"3 was seen patting down her hair, while a girl with bushy rolled her eyes at the scene. 

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