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All students sat at their requested tables, as though it were any other school day, however this time being aquintince by many other guests. 

The Blacks, minus Sirius, the Malfoys, and the Lestrange's all went to sit at the Slytherin table with Draco Malfoy right behind his mother. The Potters, Weasleys, and the Tonks made way to sit at Gryffindor table. Now it was safe to say that the Gryffindor was far more chaotic than the others, as more chaotic than usual. 

The marauders plus the Prewett twins and Ted Tonks were all trying to see who could catch the most food in their mouth. James was throwing food into Peter's mouth, Sirius to Ted, Fibian to Gideon, and Remus keeping count. Some laughed, some scowled, some looked disgusted, while some looked sadly. Those looking sadly where Juliet and Harry. 

Both had the same thoughts in their head, thinking that they could've grown up like this, they could've grown happily toghter if it all weren't for one mistake and one traitor. These thoughts had been clouding their mind as they kept eating with smiles on their faces, happy nonetheless to be their, however their thoughts were stopped by the sound of a loud bang. 

Once again people had suddenly appeared in the Great Hall. This time it was a group of four, two girls and two boys. 

One of the boys had dark skin, a sharp jawline, and dark brown eyes. It was easy to say that most girls and others had already swooned for the boy as they were looking at him with goo-goo eyes. The other boy was currently trying to keep his balance as he leaned onto the first boy for support, this one had slightly curly dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and a mole right under his left eyes. The girls (and some of the guys) were just falling more in love at the sight of two boys. 

Next to the two were the two girls, one looking dreamily at the candles that floated along the enchanted ceiling and the other grinning at the boys. 

It was easy to tell that the girl who was looking dazed had some sort of relation to Xenophilius Lovegood (a boy who graduated just last year) as they both shared the same platinum blond hair and bright blue eyes. The girl next her had similar hair color but hers fell to her shoulders instead going all the way down to her waist like girl next to her did. 

Soon the darker skinned boy cleared his throat and started talking, "Well hello everyone, we're a bit late to the crew but I'm assuming you know the deal. We four are from the future just like the previous seven you've all met," The boy had nodded his head towards the kids from future earning nods of understatement and quiet 'hellos' back. 

"Right well my name is Blaise Zabini, formerly known as the Lord of House Zabini, and this here is Theodore Nott, Lord of House of Nott." Theodore waved when he was introduced, the two boys were quickly welcomed with looks of respect from those of Slytherin house, some looking scared at the two due to their high end names, others with disgust as they had no intention for more snakey Purebloods. 

The the girl with blue eyes made way to introduce herself, "My name is Luna Lovegood, daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood." Luna stated with her dreamy voice that Ginny thought she could listen to all day long and not get tired of it. Soon the last one left had finally introduced herself. 

"My name is Daphne Greengrass, um Lady of the Noble house of Greengrass I guess, I don't know I didn't come with a speech I'm just hungry." Many laughed at the girls eagerness to get food, while some, (Walburga and Luscious) sneered at her awful manners. 

Luna went to sit next to Ginny at the Gryffindor table, and Daphne going to the Slytherin table to pester Draco with Blaise and Theodore. 

Once everyone was settled and had finished their meal it was the quiet yawn coming from Nymphadora that made Ted chuckle and Dumbledore declare that after the next chapter they should all get some rest and to continue the next day. Many agreed, as they only had enough energy for one more chapter before bed. 

So this time it was Eleanor who picked up the book in a calming voice the girl started reading, "Chapter five, Diagon Alley," 


Now I would've made this longer but I just needed that group of four to get here, mainly Theodore, Blaise, and Daphne but I decided last minute to add Luna, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Till next time, 
- A <3

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