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Hello everyone! I know it's been an incredibly long time since I have updated this story and I am so sorry! I had thought I was going to take a quick little mental health break but I ended up just disregarding this story completely, and I am terribly sorry for doing so.

I wanted you all to know that I will be trying to update again and try to keep a schedule but I can't completely promise as I am in school now. Also after rereading this story and remebering the processes of writing these I have to say that I'm not very found of doing the book version of Harry Potter as it is very long to complete. So I will be editing this book to match the movie storyline, however keeping in certain things that happen in the books. 

I won't unpublished this book so the chapters will be a little bit messy so I am very terribly sorry for that! Lastly, once I have edited all of these pervious chapters I will delete this certain chapter so you all will know when you're getting truly new content. 

much love, arielle <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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