The Philosopher's Stone

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It was now the morning after arriving, and Harry Potter had just awoken up turning to his right to see Juliet sleeping peacefully next to him. He didn't want to wake her up but he knew he had to. 

"Juliet," Harry whispered while nudging the sleeping figure next to him. "What?" the girl barely croaked with her eyes still closed, "You have to get up love, we have to start watching the movies today remember?" he said rather sadly actually.

Truth be told Harry was not extremely ready for this as many, many people in the room are going to be hearing and seeing how either they or their love ones die. Some even both. Also they would be hearing things that Harry's never told anyone, not even Juliet, Ron, or Hermione. But he supposed that they might as well do this seeming as they are already there and if the kids from the feature wanted a sane life they would have to give it every shot they could make. 

"Juliet if you don't get up this very moment I'll chop your hair." he threatened as the girl was next to him was only snoring louder. 

And with that Juliet Black got up quicker than Madam Hooch could say 'Quidditch'. With both Juliet and Harry and the rest of the kids all met in the Room of Requirements asking for a cozy room that could of all of Hogwarts and plus the many other guest where people won't be too crowded. 

"To make sure I'm comprehending everything that happened last night correctly we aren't allowed to leave the school until we finish all eight movies, regarded all around the Potter boy?" asked Rabastan Lestrange. "Well they aren't all about me, more or so the things that happen to me and the ones around me," Harry replied rather awkwardly, "So, they're all about you?" questioned Regulus Black with a knowing smirk on his face, one similar to both Sirius's and Juliet's, he was also speaking slowly as tho he was trying to explain something to a child. 

Harry noticing the smirk of Regulus Black took and already getting tired of it due to the constant sassy remarks that come out of Juliet's mouth while wearing the same smirk, he quickly inhaled and exhaled giving a tight nod with a tight smile not wanting to start things this early in the morning. 

Not long later everyone went ahead and got seated, "Alright well, who will I shall do us the honor of putting on the first movie," Albus Dumbledore said while picking up the the muggle box and muggle disk, while checking out the cover with an amused smile, "Ooh it has an interesting name as well, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

As everyone started getting comfortable and sitting near people they knew the screen was now playing the very first movie and it showed the oh so interesting name and Harry's name with a lightening bolt. Most of the future kids swallowed thickly preparing for the madness that was sure to soon come. 

¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸

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