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While majority of the Gryffindors were fast asleep in their dormitories, the Marauders however where not. All four of the boys had been laying in the dark with silence clouding over them, it wasn't an awkward silence, but then again it wasn't a very comfortable one either. 

"So we're all still up right now aren't we?" Sirius suddenly asked. The three boys muttered 'yes's' in response. 

Peter reached over to turn on the lamp that was sitting on the desk perched up next to the boys bed. When the small bit of light suddenly came into the boys view he noticed James tapping his fingers in the side of his leg, which was something Potter usually would do when he was either stressed or had something on his mind. 

"What's on your mind Prongs?" 

James then sighed and made way so he could face Peter, Remus and Sirius did the same thing in their beds so now all four boys were looking at each other. 

"It's just not fair, I mean really, Lily, Marlene, Eleanor, and I are dead. Sirius and Peter are merlin knows where, Moony has to go through the full moons all alone now. Harry is well, you know, and Juliet had to live with Padfoot's mother till she was six, merlin only knows what it was that happened in that house.

While the Malfoys get to roam freely and actually get to be there for their kid when almost everyone knows that Lucius Malfoy is high into the dark arts, and was definitely apart you-know-whos circle. It just- It's just not fair." James' voice had cracked slightly at the end of his statement but he quickly blinked any evidence of tears before they came into sight. 

"Well that's why those kids, or rather adults, are here James. Their here to give us a second shot, to where it does come out to be fair." Remus said soothingly, James nodded to himself and turned to his side quickly falling asleep. 

While Peter and Sirius did the same Remus couldn't help think about everything that had happened so far. More specifically the fact that Sirius and Eleanor had actually gotten together later on in the future, even had a daughter. Although yes he did like Juliet, and as much as he tried to be happy about the couple he couldn't help but feel a small amount of jealousy running up him. 

However that wasn't the problem, the problem was that he didn't know if he was jealous of Sirius or Eleanor. 

Shaking his head of all the possible outcomes that could be the reason of his jealousy to both of his friends, the boy turned to lay on his stomach and fell into a dreamless sleep, that brought him the slightest amount of energy to prepare him for tomorrow's new chapters. 


I have a plan worked out for all you Wolfstar shippers. 

Anyways the next full chapter will be up soon, sorry for this wait, but I'd like to let all of you know that I'm starting school again, on the 16th to be exact so updates will be slightly slower but I'll try to get them up as quick as possible. 

Don't forget to eat and drink water. 

With love, 
- A <3

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