Chapter 02

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[The scar's glow immediately dies down, and the camera pans to see the a somewhat bright sunrise, then falls down to some trees] 

[A tall lanky man with scars walks outside with a cup of coffee in his hand]

"That looks like you moony!" Peter  states as he stares at the man on the screen. When he said that everyone who knew who Peter was talking about had darted their eyes back and forth to see if there was a resemblance. 

"That's because it is moony," Juliet chuckled as she said that, Sirius, Remus, and Harry grinned at her, though for different reasons. Remus, because he was feeling hopefully they had a good relationship during her time. Sirius, because she had a smile most similar to the man on the screen. Harry with a lovesick smile slapped on his face due to her laugh. 

Remus : "Juliet! Get down here and ready for breakfast!" [He says slightly shouting]

[Camera goes up to show a 10 year old girl; Juliet, on a tree chasing after a bird]

"Bird hunting are you?" Ron laughed as he looked at Juliet, only receiving an eye roll from her.

Juliet : "Just one second!" [She shouts back while trying to get to the edge of the tree, where the bird is.]

Remus : "You're going to fall Juliet!" [He says while turning around to go back into the house] "and I'm going to laugh." [He says muttering to himself]

Juliet and Sirius gasped as the man on the screen said this. "Moony! How dare you say that to my precious pup, she could get seriously hurt!" Sirius dramatically walked over to Juliet to pat her on the head while holding her closely. 

The interaction had gotten many laughs, even a little smile from Juliets uncle who was sitting off with his friends. 

Juliet : [Scoffing, and talking to herself] "Please, as if I would ever fall while climbing a branch." 

"She takes her fathers cockiness I see" Snape muttered to Lucious, they both smirked while getting looks from the three boys behind him. Evan rolled his eyes right before Barty had spoken, "They're one to talk about being cocky." Regulus said nothing, rather just glaring at his cousin in-law and "friend". 

[The camera shows Juliet inching closer and closer to the bird, just as she reaches it the bird flies away and she flings down to the ground.]

Almost everyone in the great hall was now laughing at this, even McGonagall couldn't hold the chuckle. However those who knew Juliet stopped laughing due to the look in her eyes. 

[Juliet quickly gets up and dusts herself off]

Juliet : "Well, at least no one saw that." [She says while walking to the house]

Remus : "Oh hey, I saw you fall by the way." 

[Juliet groans and throws her head on the table,  the scene goes dark for a quick second but is then lighten up and shows 10 yr old Harry sleeping.]

Harry squirmed, he had somehow forgotten to mention his living situation at the Dursleys during his first year to quite literally everyone in the whole room. 

Petunia: Up. Get up. [She knocks on his closet door repeatedly] Now! [Smacks door of closet and walks into the living room][Harry wakes up, turns on his bedroom light and puts on his glasses with tape on the bridge, indicating that it was partly damaged. A large, tubby boy, Dudley Dursley, suddenly comes running down the stairs above the closet. He stops half-way down and goes back, jumping on the staircase.]

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