Chapter 9

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*Evie's POV*

The next morning Stefan wakes me up early since there's going to be a bit of a hike, up a freaking mountain, fun. So I change into some of the last clothes I have that are clean, and packed a backpack. I filled one travel mug with water and the other with coffee, because I can't function without coffee.

 I filled one travel mug with water and the other with coffee, because I can't function without coffee

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*Hiking up the mountain*

Stefan is carrying Ray, who is still unconscious, on his shoulders. "You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asks. "I'm fine." Stefan replied. "You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down." Klaus taunted. "You know, I get that we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, that'd be great." Stefan said. "So much brooding. Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend." Klaus states. "Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer." Stefan stated. "I agree, I'm a little tired too." I say before sipping some water. "Thanks to our pal Ray, we found ourselves a pack. There." Klaus replies. We stop as we came across the pack's camp. Stefan moves forward and everyone looks at him. Once he puts Ray on the ground some woman rushes over to him. "Ray! Oh my god. What's going on? Who are you?" The woman asks. Klaus walks over, "The important question is who am I. Please forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus." Klaus tells. "You're the hybrid." She says terrified. "You've heard of me. Fantastic." He smirks. 

We're all now sitting, me a little bit away reading a grimoire. The wolves are still standing, looking at Klaus. "It's fascinating, actually. A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." Klaus gloats. Ray suddenly wakes up gasping. "Excellent timing, Ray. Very dramatic." I state before going back to my reading. "What's happening to me?" Ray questions. "Stefan?" Klaus gestures. "Are any of you human? Your friend here needs human blood to complete his transition to a vampire. If he doesn't get it, he dies." Stefan states. "Why not use her?" The woman from earlier asks, gesturing to me with a glare. I wave my hand and she's on her knees, "If anyone tries to take a bite out of me, you won't live to even be within a foot of me." I state standing to my feet, "You!" I point to the man standing by the woman. Klaus rushes over to him and bites his forearm. Stefan then grabs him and throws him to the ground in front of Ray. The woman tries to protest, but I wave my hand and she's in Klaus' arms, he then proceeds to strangle her. "If you don't drink it Ray, I will. Problem is I don't know how to stop." Stefan taunts. Klaus looks at the woman, "It's a new order, sweetheart. You join us, or you die." "I'd rather die than be a vampire." The woman spits. "Wrong choice." Klaus states before feeding her blood, "She'll than me for that later." Ray begins to drink from the man and Klaus snaps the woman's neck, killing her. "Okay, who's next?" Klaus asks, turning and showing his yellow eyes and fangs. I don't know why, but my heart flutters at the site. 

Later on, I'm back sitting down as Klaus gives the human his blood and compels him to relax. Ray is sitting on a rock, shivering as he grabs his body. "They're dead. They're all dead." He says as he rocks back and forth. "He's through his transition. He should be feeling better soon." Klaus tells us. "So is this your master plan? Build an army of hybrid slaves?" Stefan asks. "No, not slaves. Soldiers, comrades." Klaus states. "For what war, may I ask?" Stefan questions. "You don't arm yourself after a war is declared, Stef. You build your army so big no one dares pick a fight." I state as I flip through my grimoire bored out of my mind. "The lady is right." Klaus says with a smirk. "What make you so sure they'll be loyal?" Stefan asks. "Well, it's not difficult to be loyal when you're on the winning team. That's something you'll learn once you shake that depressive chip off your shoulder." Klaus states. I tune them out after that, focusing on my grimoire. 

I'm suddenly tackled to the ground. I scream as I see Ray with his eyes bleeding as he snarls at me. He's suddenly tackled off me by Stefan. Ray then bites him and runs off. Stefan darts after him and Klaus comes over to me, a look of pure concern in his eyes as he helps me off the ground and looks me over. "I'm okay." I whisper, still in shock. Klaus meets my eyes before pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and lean into him, burying my head into his shoulder and inhaling his scent. He then pulls away and moves my hair out of my face, "Stay here." He instructs before darting away. I place my hand on my chest as I try to calm my breathing, looking around I notice everyone waking up, their eyes bleeding. Klaus comes back after a few minutes and notices what's happening. He looks at me before speeding in front of me as of to protect me.

Stefan walks back to the camp with Ray over his shoulders. The rest of the pack are laying on the ground dead. He drops Ray to the ground as Klaus begins to explain what happened. "They went rabid, some of them I killed, others Eve did, the rest just... bled out. In the end... they're all dead." He stated in disappointment. He yells and throws the beer bottle he had in his hand and screams at the sky, "I did everything I was told! I should be able to turn them. I broke the curse. I killed a werewolf. I killed a vampire. I killed the doppelganger." Stefan shifts uncomfortably, but no one notices. "You look like hell." Klaus notes to Stefan. "Last I checked, I'm dying and you don't want to heal me." Stefan stated. I look at him in confusion before noticing a bite mark on his arm. Stefan sees Klaus looking at Ray's body, "I had to take him out. I didn't have a choice. I failed you. I'm sorry. Do what you have to." "I should have worked." Klaus says, sadness in his tone. He turns around and takes an empty beer bottle before biting his hand and making a fist, letting the blood drain into the bottle before handing it to Stefan, "Bottoms up. We're leaving." Stefan takes the bottle and Klaus continues, "It appears you're the only comrades I have left." He then starts to walk away. I stand there for a minute as I process everything that has happened, before going to catch up with him.

I catch up with him just before he reached the car. "Klaus!" I yell as to get his attention. He stops before turning to face me, eyes shone with unshed tears. I walk toward him and wrap my arms around his torso and begin to rub his back, "I'm sorry." I say. He stands there for a moment, before he wraps his arms around me and buries his head in my neck. I feel my shoulder begin to get wet, but I don't comment on it. 

We pull away after a while and I wipe away the tears on his face, "We'll figure it out, I know it." I tell him. He lightly smiles before we then make our way to the car and climb in, waiting for Stefan. "I know a witch who may be able to help." I tell him as he starts the car. "Who?" He asks. "Her name is Gloria, she's a friend of my grandma's." I explain to him. "I think I know her, she's in Chicago right?" Klaus asks. "Yeah, she helped my grandma with training me." I reply. "I was thinking of visiting her anyway." He tells me with a smile. I smile back, excited to see grandma's friend, and maybe my grandma. Stefan then comes to the car and gets in. Klaus put the car in drive and pulls away. 

We pull into a hotel parking lot and get out of the car. Klaus goes ahead inside to get us rooms as Stefan and I get our bags from the back. Klaus comes back a few moments later with two keycards in hand. "They only had two rooms with single beds left." He says as he hands Stefan a keycard. "I'm not sharing." Stefan states as he walks away. I gape at him before sighing, "Whatever, I'm too tired to deal with this anyways." Klaus grabs his bag from the back before closing the trunk and locking the car.

Walking into the room we set our bags down before opening them and rummaging through them for pajamas. I find a pair of short gym shorts and pull them before searching for a clean shirt, not seeing one I huff. "What's wrong love?" Klaus asks. "I don't have any clean shirts." I explain. "Here." Klaus says. I turn and see him holding a white shirt out to me. Before I can even protest he puts it in my hand, "We can go shopping tomorrow after we get to Chicago, for now you can borrow a shirt or two." He explained. I sigh but take it with me to the bathroom to change, my cheeks unwillingly heating up. 

After changing and brushing my teeth I walk out of the bathroom to see Klaus already laying in bed, shirtless , back turned to me. 'Why is his back hot too?' I question in my head. I stop for a moment. 'Why did I just think that?'. I shake my head and sigh softly. I then turn off the light in the bathroom before walking over and climbing into bed. Once I'm comfortable I turn off the lamp on my side and close my eyes. Sleep soon taking over.



I know it's been so long since I've updated. I had so much going on, still kinda do. I promise I will try harder to update sooner. 

T-minus 2 weeks and 5 days until my Louis Tomlinson concert! I can't wait. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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