Chapter 1

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Evangeline's POV

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Evangeline's POV

I drove passed the big 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign and sighed. I'm home after a year of being away and I can't wait to see everyone. The reason I left was because of my parents deaths. No one knows who killed them, only that it was really bloody and in my house. After their funeral I left to stay at my grandma's house while she helped train me. Since my mom died my grandma has been helping me control my powers and teaching me everything I needed to know.

I pull up to the grill and turn my car off before grabbing my purse and locking my car as I closed the door. I opened the door to the grill before walking inside immediately smelling the food and alcohol. I heard the cracks of the pool balls hitting each other and everyone talking and laughing. I smiled before walking to the bar and sitting a seat away from a guy, 20s in a leather jacket and black hair. "Can I get a rum and coke?" I asked the bartender. "I'm gonna need to see some ID." He said. I looked at him saying a spell in my head to control his mind. "No you don't." I said. "Nevermind you look of age." The man said before making my drink. "How did you do that?" The man with black hair next to me asked. "Magic." I stated before I was handed my drink. He scooted to the barstool next to me. "Are you a vampire?" He asked. "No, but you are." I said. "How did you know?" He questioned. "Well for one I can sense it, also you're wearing a very tacky ring that looks really old and as if you don't take it off when normal people wouldn't even wear that kind of ring, and lastly you think I just compelled someone so obviously you either know or are a vampire." I said. "Well that's impressive." He said. "Don't you think I should know your name?" I asked. "Damon Salvatore." He said. "When were you turned?" I asked. "1864." He said. "That's a long time." I said. He nodded and finished his bourbon as I finished my rum and coke. "Well I'll see you later Damon." I said. "Don't I get your name?" He asked. "You'll find out, eventually." I replied with a smirk before getting up and walking out the door. I got in my car and drove to my once home. I grabbed my suitcases and unlocked the door before stepping inside. It's just the way I left it but with dust everywhere. I went upstairs and put my suitcases in my room before removing the sheets I had put on everything before I left.

I was removing the sheets from the furniture downstairs when a knock came from the door. That's weird, no one really knows I'm back. I open the door to find Bonnie standing there with a smile on her face. "How did you know I was back?" I asked. "I saw you leave the grill and I came to see you." She replied. I smiled and hugged her. "I've missed you." She said. "I've missed you too." I responded. We pulled away before I invited her inside and started talking about everything.

"I'm sorry about your grams, I wanted to come back but I was still a bit out of control and I didn't want to hurt anybody." I said. "It's okay I understand. With that much power that you have it can easily get out of control, I was kind of the same way but not as bad." She replied. "Care told me you are dating Jeremy." I said wiggling my eyebrows. "Yeah we umm bonded and I guess we got together." She says. "Well I approve. Want to come with me to Lena's?" I replied. "Sure." She said. I smiled and grabbed my phone, keys and wallet before locking the house up and getting in my car to Lena's. Once we pulled up I had Bonnie stand infront of the door while I hid on the side as she knocked on the door. "Hey Bon. What are you doing here?" I heard Lena ask. "I have a surprise for you." She said. I walked to where she could see me smiling. When she saw me she screamed happily and pulled me in for a tight hug. "Evie you're back." She said when she let go. "Have been for about 2 or 3 hours. I wanted to surprise you guys and Bonnie showed up to my house after she saw me walk out of the grill and we caught up and she even helped me surprise you." I said. "Well both of you get in here and I'm sure Jer will be happy to see you both." Lena said smiling. Bonnie and I went inside and followed Lena to the kitchen but I stayed where they couldn't see me so we could surprise Jenna and Jer. "So guys Bonnie and I have a surprise for you." Lena said. "What is it?" I heard Jer ask. I walked out of my hiding spot saying "Me." I said. Jeremy and Jenna turned to me and when the saw me they smiled huge and Jeremy ran to me, picked me up and twirled me around. "You're back!" He yelled. "Yes and I'm staying. I promise." I replied. Jer set me down and Jenna hugged me. "Good to see you again Evie." She said. "You too Jenna." I replied.

-Time Jump-

*At the Grill*

"So you're telling me, that some old ass vampire dude is coming after you to break some sun and moon curse?" I question. "Yes, and his name is Klaus." Bonnie said. "We have his brother Elijah daggered in the basement of the boarding house." Lena states. "I'm gone a year and I miss out on everything." I say setting my head in the palm of my hand. "Well it was for good reason." Bonnie said. "Where's Care?" I asked. "She is coming, I texted her that Bon and I had a surprise for her here so she should be coming." Lena replied. I dunk another fry in the ketchup before popping it in my mouth. "Oh she texted me, she's on her way she'll be here in 2 minutes." Bonnie says looking at her phone. "Okay I'll be back, I gotta use the bathroom." I say. "Okay hurry though." Lena says. I wave her off and head to the bathroom.

 When I get near the table I see Care with her back to me so I sneak up behind her and tap her shoulder. She turns and once she sees me she jumps up and squeals before hugging me. "Evie! When did you get back?" She asked me. "A few hours ago, I wanted to surprise everyone." I reply. "Well I've missed you." She says. "I missed you too Carebear." I told her before sitting in my seat again. "How was Chicago?" Care asked. "It was good, I got my powers under control, I went site seeing a little and that's about it." "Did you meet anyone?" Bon asked. "Sadly no." "Aww that sucks."

"I'm gonna go get a drink, I'll be back." I tell them. "Okay." Bon says. I get up and walk to the bar. "What can I get you?" The bartender asks. "I'll have a Shirley Temple with a shot of tequila please." I reply. "I'm gonna need some ID." He says. I sigh and cast the spell "No you don't." "Nevermind." He says before going to get my drinks. "How did you do that?" A man 2 seats away asks. "It's part of my charm." I reply. "Are you a vampire?" He asks. "Nope, I'm a witch." I say "And who might you be?" "Alaric Saltzman, History teacher by day, vampire hunter by night." He replys. "Oh, well I'm Evangeline Morgan, but everyone calls me Evie." I tell him. "Nice to meet you Eve, aren't you a little too young to drink?" He asks. "Yeah, but I only drink when I need to." I say as the bartender returns with my drinks. "Oh have you lived here long?" Alaric asks. "I was born here but a year ago I left to live with my grandma since my parents died." I tell him before downing my shot. "Oh I'm sorry." He says. "It's fine, I'm only here until Senior years over and I finish helping my friends." I say. "Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow in History, yes?" He asks. "Oh yeah. I better get back to my friends, nice meeting you Alaric." I said before going back to my friends.

-Time Jump-

 Once I get home around 8, I go to my room and take a quick shower. When I got done with that I change into my pajamas before went downstairs and made me a cup of tea before sitting in the living room and turning on the TV. I flip through the channels before deciding on the movie channel and playing the movie that was on. 

 About half way through the movie there was a knock on my door. I pause the movie before going and opening the door. When I open it there was no one there so I step out a little and my foot stepped on something and made it crinkle. I look down and see a letter with my name on it. I reach down and pick it up before looking both ways outside my door to see if I can see the person who sent it, there was no one. I shut my door and locked it before opening the envelope. I pulled out the paper and began reading. 

 My sweet Evangeline,

I have waited a thousand years to see you, love. A thousand year without you by my side. A thousand years without your laugh and beautiful smile. Thousand years is a long timeespecially without you. I can't wait to see your beautiful face again. Until then my love.

Yours forever,


Well okay then. I set the letter on the coffee table before turning off the TV and going to bed.


Yeah yeah yeah it's crappy, whatever

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