{𝔽𝕃𝕌𝔽𝔽} Weather Report x Fem! Reader

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♡Warnings: minor spoilers for part 6.

♡In this one, the reader is a pluviophile, which means someone who really loves rain and finds peace of mind during rainy days.


   The sky was faded in a matte light gray, and the clouds were overlapped, blurring what you could see beyond the horizon. Through the thick mass of cold air, not even the warm rays of the sun could reach you, like a fog it spread around the view and hid the silhouette of the buildings and trees like a veil. It was almost as if blue had never existed, to begin with. It was a dull landscape, as dull as the dominating color in the atmosphere. The temperature, once lukewarm, gradually got colder and colder, a sly breeze from somewhere made your skin quiver. The wind was calm, regardless, whistling a song you didn't know as it brushed past your soft strands of hair.

"You should come inside..." A soft, slightly husky voice that you knew too well grumbled close to your ear. So close you could feel the warmth of his breath, and feel his chest vibrate against your back ever so gently.

You didn't need to confirm who it was, but you turned around anyways. Staring at you from above, you met his gelid icy blue eyes and his always present poker face. Uncounsciously, you smiled a little. It was as if you needed to be constantly reminded that you were not alone, but everytime you stopped to admire the sky, you forgot about the rest.

"Why?" You asked him, directing your gaze elsewhere. His presence really messed with you in ways he was probably not even aware of.

"It's getting cold." He replied, inching closer so you could hear his immensely quiet tone.

"As if you weren't Weather Report... If you think it's cold, you could do something about it." Your attempts at making him crack a smile were in vain. You knew he wasn't being insensitive at your tries or anything, but he hardly expressed vivid emotions. You learned how to deal with it, but you never gave up in seeing him laugh even if just a little.

"I don't think it's cold... But maybe you do..." He muttered again, stepping closer to you so the next time he needed to say something, he wouldn't have to move so much.

"Nah, it's alright... I like it, to be honest." He stared at you, indirectly asking you to elaborate. "It's been pretty hot these past few weeks, so it's good to take a break from that."

You made your way past him to the wooden cabin Weather Report and you were staying in for the night. The two of you were renting it from a very old man, although none of you could pay. There was a long way to go until you could get to the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, and you needed to get there as soon as possible. However, the police was really picking on you and they were everywhere, so you had to stay hidden for a couple of hours before resuming your journey. At least your 4 other friends, if you could call them that way, were ahead of you, and you knew they would be just fine. Or at least as fine as they could be in this situation... It was a shame that you had to stop abruptly in such a rush that could literally compromise the entire Universe, but it was the best option you had. Not that you couldn't defeat most of the officers, but you were still unsure of the abilities they had and how much there were around exactly.

Well... It was just you and him right now. And the fact that he was the one stuck with you calmed your nerves. There was something soothing about him, maybe it's the way he talks, or his chill personality, or simply the fact that you were close friends... But you liked it. You liked how quickly he could put you at ease without even trying and how strong-willed he was.

You wondered how he would react once he gets his memories back. Would he treat you differently? Would he be the same quiet and relaxed person? You wouldn't know so soon. But whether he changed too much, just a little, or even if he didn't change at all, you would still stand by his side. After all you've been through, you doubted anything could push you away from him. You connected with him. You sympathized with him. You lived to see him live. As exaggerated as it may sound, you can go far for someone you love. And once you get far enough, there's no way back.

~𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐬~ [JJBA x Reader ONESHOTS]Where stories live. Discover now