🃏 game night 🃏

43 3 12

Amelia, holding pokemon cards: I choose Charizard.

Leo, playing solitaire: Ugh, go fish.

Norman, holding bills: I got the water element!

Emma, taking out a card of CardsAgainstHumanity: Aww, I got estrogen! I don't even know what that is!

Ray, taking out fishes out of the fridge: Dude, this is the last time I'm going fish.

Eric, confusion because he was invited to play monopoly: whAT IN GAME LORD ARE YOU GUYS EVEN PLAYING???


it's literally almost 4am where i am at and there's only 3 hours left till online school starts and it jUST GOTTA BE MATH AS THE FIRST SUBJECT-

i need to get a tutor.

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