epic title for the one tedtalk that started it all

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wow look, it's that one story i wrote in pusheen's DMs that was shared with the rest of my xiaolumi-supporting friends!! u know?! tHE ONE THAT stARTED evERYTHIGN
wooo hejfnbhjeferjhukjj
anyway im rlly shy about this
have fun reading ig idfk
point right point left.

tldr xiao almost succumbs to karmic debt but doesn't because lumine said no
and then he complains about it bc he's our dumbass yaksha and he's amazing

Lumine stood on one of the top levels of Wangshu Inn. Paimon had eaten more chicken mushroom skewers than had seemed possible earlier and was now asleep, leaving Lumine alone. Not that she minded. Sometimes she just needed some quiet time to think about things...

Things like her brother.

Aether...Where are you?

She stared at the stars, twinkling softly in the night sky, little beacons of light in a void of gentle black. Everything seemed so peaceful up here, with her hair blowing gently in the wind. And yet...she couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

Lumine drew in a deep breath through her mouth, then out through her nose. Again and again. Yet...everything still seemed off somehow. No amount of breathing could calm her nerves. Lumine shook her head and sighed. "Maybe I just need a break..." she mumbled to herself. She climbed down the steps of the inn, eventually reaching the bottom and walking across the bridge. Here the grass was long, each blade swaying in the light wind. Lumine brushed her hands through it, smiling at the way it tickled her skin.

But something's still wrong...

Lumine breathed in, expecting the scent of grass. She froze as she was met with the frightening metallic tang of blood, and something else dark and sinister. Pain? But how could you smell pain? Panicking, Lumine rushed forward quickly. She glimpsed a deep red stain on a rock, and fresh splatters covering the grass. She followed them, finally turning around a hill to find a field full of dead hilichurls. Sinister black and teal smoke was rising from their bodies, tainting the air. In the middle of them was a familiar figure, one with soft dark hair, a tattoo on his arm, and a sharp green spear in his hand. That evil smoke was gathering around him more than any of the hilichurls, as if the bloodstains covering him weren't worrying enough.

"Xiao..." Lumine breathed.

Xiao took no notice of the blond haired girl staring at him, instead staring at the ground. His breaths came in shaky gasps, and he held his spear stiffly. Suddenly it loosened from his grip and clattered to the ground. Lumine rushed forward, catching the yaksha in her arms as he fell sideways.

"X-Xiao!" She cried, pulling him closer. "Are you okay?"

He doesn't respond. The green mask covering his head splintered into tiny pieces and faded from his face, revealing eyes squeezed shut tightly in pain. A ghastly growl rose from his throat. Karma, it must've been his karma. As the last of the five yakshas, it was Xiao's duty to destroy all the demons that lingered near the city of Liyue Harbor and the surrounding area. That meant he also suffered from the negative karma that the slaughter inflicted on him. This karma had caused the other four yakshas to perish or disappear, leaving Xiao as the sole survivor.

Whenever Lumine tried to comfort Xiao about his karmic debt, he'd always push her away, insisting that the yakshas that had succumbed to the karma would see it as "a stain on their legacy".

It made Lumine so sad and annoyed, how Xiao was suffering and the only condolences Lumine could offer were rejected. She could respect that Xiao didn't want her "pity", but she wasn't trying to pity him...

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